CPD articles

Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.


Before the introduction of measles vaccination, measles was considered an...

Nursing care of patients with a temporary tracheostomy

Safety considerations are important when caring for a patient with a temporary tracheostomy...

Fever in children

Fever is a naturally occurring adaptive mechanism and part of the immune system’s...

Paracetamol overdose

Paracetamol is safe and effective at the therapeutic dose. It is beneficial as an...

Presentation skills for nurses

This article emphasises the importance of effective presentation skills. Such skills allow...

Caring for people who are dying: priorities at the end of life

Care of people who are dying is an emotive topic, and there is only one chance to get it...

Intravenous therapy

Providing intravenous therapy for older people is associated with challenges,...

Promoting the 6Cs

Working in the private sector as a clinical lead and trainer, I read the CPD...

Preventing healthcare-associated infections: the role of surveillance

Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections is central to healthcare epidemiology and...

Lung cancer

As a nursing student my knowledge of caring for patients with lung cancer had been...

Respecting patient confidentiality

Nurses face a particular challenge in respecting the confidentiality of patients in a world...

Suicidal intent

In my role as a psychiatric nurse caring for individuals at risk to themselves or...

Advance care planning in progressive neurological conditions

Advance care planning in progressive neurological conditions is an essential part of care,...

Compassionate care

After reading the CPD article, it is clear that compassionate care is fundamental...

Reducing medication errors in nursing practice

Preventing medication errors is essential to maintain a safe healthcare system

Breaking bad news

This CPD article improved my knowledge of effective communication in breaking bad...

Writing up research for publication

This article describes the process of preparing a research article for publication in a...

Promoting better care for stigmatised patients

This article discusses the role of nurses and nurse leaders in the prevention and resolution...

