CPD articles

Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.

Whooping cough

The CPD article was relevant to my practice because most upper respiratory tract...

Maintaining best practice in record-keeping and documentation

This article considers best practice in record-keeping and documentation in the light of...

Ethical practice

My understanding of ethical dilemmas in nursing care has been enhanced by reading...

Writing a journal article: guidance for novice authors

This article focuses on writing for journal publication. The purpose of writing is explored...

Suicidal intent

Although I do not work in an emergency setting, I encounter patients who present...

Cerebral aneurysm and aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage

A cerebral aneurysm is a weak or thin spot on a blood vessel in the brain that swells and...


Having worked in community mental health teams, the CPD article reinforced my...

Varicella zoster virus: chickenpox and shingles

The varicella zoster virus causes two infections: varicella, also known as chickenpox...


Reading the CPD article was beneficial to my professional nursing practice and...

Improving end of life care for adults

With people being given more choice about where to die, it is important that healthcare...

Care of patients undergoing day case inguinal hernia repair

Inguinal hernia repair is a common operation often performed as a day case procedure. Day...

Pressure ulcer prevention

Pressure ulcers are largely preventable, and efforts should be made to reduce their...

Fever and feverish illness in children under five years

This article discusses the causes and management of fever in children. In line with guidance...

Parenteral nutrition

Parenteral nutrition is a method of administering nutrition and hydration...

Understanding and interpreting nutrition information on food labels

Health promotion is integral to the nurse’s role. Increasing numbers of people in the UK are...

Promoting patient safety

Understanding the importance of patient safety, including the threats and solutions...

Pursuing a career in nursing research

Nursing is an evidence-based profession that uses the latest and best research to improve...

Compassionate care

While working as a healthcare assistant caring for patients with dementia, as well...

