Nursing Standard

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Former chief nurse for England Dame Ruth May gave emotionally charged evidence to the COVD inquiry 

Tearful former chief nurse tells COVID inquiry of nursing staff’s struggles in pandemic

She said ‘catastrophic’ loss of NHS student bursary robbed workforce of thousands of nurses

A brass plaque at the entrance to the NMC. An FtP panel finds 77 charges were proved, ten were not proved and on 14 there was no case to answer​​​​​​​

Nurse who faced more than 100 charges struck off

FtP panel told of inappropriate challenges to medication and patient discharge

​ Nurse salaries: a nurse holding a banknote walks away from an ATM Nurses on band 5 will see a 5.5% pay rise under the government’s offer for 2024-25 – will it be enough? Picture: Neil O’Connor [Click and drag to move] ​

Nurse pay: how do you make your band 5 salary stretch?

With the RCN pay offer consultation due to end, we talk to four nurses about how they cope

Sepsis happens when the immune system overreacts to presence of infection in the blood

Sepsis treatment: answers to 10 questions could unlock breakthrough for outcomes

Specialist nurses welcome new push to improve diagnosis and care by identifying priorities

Nursing student attrition: a combination of factors, including financial and placement pressures and lack of support, are among the reasons suggested for rising attrition rates

Nursing students: why are almost 40% leaving before they qualify?

How the figures compare across the UK, and what could help stop the trend

Nurse leadership: illustration showing nurses following a nurse leader

The secrets of effective nurse leadership

Explore what makes a successful leader and which leadership style is right for you

Evidence and Practice

Patients who decline blood component transfusion: a narrative review of alternative management strategies

Patients who decline blood transfusion: a review of alternative management strategies

Learn about four alternative approaches to transfusion identified from the literature

Imposter phenomenon

Your quick-read article summary

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy: an overview for nurses

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy: an overview for nurses

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy: an overview for nurses

Eating behaviours

Your quick-read article summary

Compassionate end of life care

Your quick-read article summary

Nurses’ oncology experiences

Your quick-read article summary


Montage of 15 podcasts selected to interest nurses

Listen to this! 15 podcasts made with you in mind

Podcasts that support your practice, share career advice, or help you wind down

 Nurse behind seated patient stoops slightly and has her hands on his shoulders to express warmth and reassurance. Touch is a powerful way to show compassion in nursing

Using touch to show compassion: tailoring non-verbal communication to the individual

Judging when it’s appropriate to touch a patient or relative – and when it’s not

Bad manager

How to handle a bullying, weak or incompetent boss

Tips on initiating constructive conversations and where to seek support over poor leadership

A nurse in scrubs is frowning and hunching her shoulders in a sign of distress

Under excess pressure? The emotional signs of stress and how to deal with them

Tips for identifying worrying signs and supporting yourself and colleagues

Illustration featuring five different NHS uniform tunic colours, from left to right: indigo, green, sea blue, navy blue and light blue

Uniform approach: what we like about our standardised scrubs

Nurses from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the pros of their nations’ uniforms

Illustration shows healthcare staff around a table formed from a clock face to suggest a team approach to rostering

Rostering: could more control over your shift timings transform your work-life balance?

Team-based rostering pilots point to improved staff retention and greater collaboration


Patients can be misled when the word ‘nurse’ is part of the title of a non-registered role

‘Nurse’ title for unregistered roles is a dangerous deception and holds us in contempt

Healthcare support staff are invaluable, but inflated titles do them no favours either

Union consultations on the government’s 5.5% pay offer for NHS staff are asking members to vote on whether they accept or reject the award, as illustrated by a pound symbol with green tick mark and a red X mark

NHS pay offer: is 5.5% the first step to a fair deal for nurses?

Whether it’s a step forward or not nearly enough after years of pay stagnation, have your say

Mpox: nursing care and treatment, recognising signs and reducing risk

Mpox: should UK be worried and are nursing staff at increased risk?

How to spot signs, identify risk factors and understand the treatment options


Drug calculations: a nurse using a calculator stands at a desk undertaking calculations for patient medications

Struggle with maths? How to improve your skills

Our panel offers advice for students who struggle with numerical calculations

Debriefs help give nursing students the chance to discuss and reflect on how they dealt with sudden, difficult events with their mentor or senior healthcare staff while on placement

Debriefing: what is it and how can students benefit from it?

The value of discussing and reflecting on sudden or difficult events

Uniform policy for nursing students: a nurse stands with arms folded showing a large tattoo on her arm

Uniform rules: when should ‘professionalism’ outrank individuality?

Weighing up policy requirements for students with views on tattoos, false nails and lashes


Clinical nurse educators support all health and social care staff. A student watches as a nurse explains something while pointing to a computer screen

Clinical nurse educator: skills, experience and the pay for the role

We look at how CNEs help develop the workforce by sharing their expertise

A toxic manager’s behaviour is designed to limit the nurse’s chances of career progression, and undermines confidence

Is your manager toxic towards you? How to spot the signs and what to do about them

Advice on what to do if you’ve had enough of working for an undermining boss

Band 8 nursing roles are about demonstrating leadership that is based on extensive clinical experience

Band 8: I’m ambitious to get there, but what should I expect and how do I step up?

How to take the opportunity to have wider influence on the quality and direction of care
