
MPs join forces to highlight and debate key patient safety issues

Improving patient safety has been the stated ambition of the government since Sir Robert...

Directors head for the exit as lack of support and pressures rack up

More than 60% of nursing directors in England have been in post for three years or less,...

New leader wants to inspire nurses to speak up for themselves

It is hard to believe RCN’s new general secretary Janet Davies has been in her role for only...

Rethink for end of life care aims to put people before process

End of life care has been under scrutiny for the past three years, and the topic is back in...

Pinpointing the risks and benefits of shift patterns

The issue of shift lengths and patterns is a hot topic in nursing, and while many nurses...

Nurses are urged to prepare for revalidation, but clarity is needed

Over the past year the Nursing and Midwifery Council has sent out a message about its new...

Nursing staff fighting to balance the cost of living

Chancellor George Osborne’s announcement of a public sector pay cap until 2020 will have...

Desperate times for nursing staff as Greek economic crisis deepens

Nurses in Greece are facing pay cuts of 40% and have seen health budgets squeezed so tight...

Why the odds feel stacked against nurse recruiters outside the NHS

A change in immigration rules that will force thousands of overseas nurses to leave the UK...

College guidance strives to fill vacuum in end of life care protocol

Nurses have been calling for new guidance on caring for patients in the final days of life...

How safer clinical practice could prevent needless asthma deaths

More than five million people in the UK have asthma and three people die every day because...

What the chancellor’s cuts today mean for public health tomorrow

England’s health service is grappling with an ageing population coupled with a desire for...

Is the NHS ripped off by agencies or its own workforce planning?

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt pitted the NHS against ‘rip-off staffing agencies’ last week in...

Inpatient feedback highlights gulf in trust performance

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published the results of its 12th annual hospital...

