
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Health beliefs and access to services in an ethnic minority population

According to the 2012 UK census, 6.6% of the population of London have a South Asian...

Managing pulmonary aspiration in service users

People with learning disabilities who are fed enterally often have complications, including...

Dental services for children with autism spectrum disorder

Aim To identify what parents perceive to be good practice in the care of children with...

Research skills for people with intellectual disabilities

The Research Active Programme (RAP) was designed to enable adults with intellectual...

Assessing the needs of offenders

The needs of offenders with learning disabilities or difficulties entering prison should be...

Audiology services: access, assessment and aftercare

The prevalence of hearing loss among people with learning disabilities is considerably...

Role of live simulations in learning disability nursing

This article discusses a collaborative project undertaken by learning disability nursing...

Planning care for service users who have a deteriorating condition

This article describes the assessment, development and review of a care plan for a person...

How confident are nurses that they can provide good care?

Aim The study assessed the confidence levels of registered nurses who care for patients with...

Who chooses to be a nurse, and why?

Over the past 30 years, as the type and number of healthcare services have changed, the role...

Exposure to health inequalities as a measure of outcomes

Earlier this year, the authors, all members of the UK Learning Disability Consultant Nurse...

Clinical nurse specialists: a reflection on practice

This article reports on a self-assessment audit of a clinical nurse specialist in health...

Developing a service for clients with dysphagia

People with learning disabilities and dysphagia need specialist support and advice to ensure...

Training care staff in intensive interactions

Intensive interaction is a way of improving communication with children and adults who have...

Person-centred care planning for clients with complex needs

This case study describes one aspect of successful person-centred planning by intellectual...

How people with learning disabilities can help train professionals

In Bradford, the Healthier Lives group, part of Bradford People First, and a local strategic...

Consent to contraceptive treatment among clients with epilepsy

Aim To improve the treatment, care and monitoring of women with learning disabilities who...

Role of mindfulness in reducing challenging behaviour

This article describes part of the evaluation of the mindfulness programme, which has been...

