CPD articles
Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.
A practice template for communicating with families of people with learning disabilities
Developing practice templates can help outline care standards and develop a rapport with families
Recognising and assessing for dementia in people with learning disabilities
A discussion of early signs and symptoms using a case study to explore an ‘ideal’ diagnostic pathway
Using reflective practice to enhance the care of people with learning disabilities
An overview of reflective practice using a case study of a mother’s evaluation of her son's care
Supporting positive dietary behaviour change in people with learning disabilities
The importance of nutrition as a controllable factor in preventing long-term conditions
Rare epilepsy syndromes: understanding treatment goals and management challenges
How nurses can provide adequate care and support to service users, family members and carers
Supporting people with learning disabilities to attend GP appointments
Learning disability nurses' role in supporting people with learning disabilities in primary care
Distressed behaviour at the intersection of learning disability and neurodivergence
The need to reframe behaviours that challenge as expressions of distress or unmet needs
Conducting mental health assessments of people with learning disabilities
Advice on overcoming communication issues and cognitive impairments to conduct an effective assessment
Ensuring good communication when undertaking a health assessment
How a systematic assessment works in practice and skills nurses use to engage service users
Breaking bad news to people with learning disabilities: barriers and tools
Barriers to, and tools for, breaking bad news to people with learning disabilities
Recognising visual perception issues in people with learning disabilities
Explore the causes and consequences of cortical visual impairment