Career advice

How to land that job

GIve yourself a head start by making personal contact with your potential future employer

Nursing leadership is as much about learning as it is leading

Paul Edwards, head of practice development at BUPA, says good leader is 'authentic,...

Lightening the load

If you feel inundated and are struggling to cope, then these tips are designed to help you...

Networking benefits

Keep up to date professionally, share expertise and gain emotional support by building...

Clear communication

We all know that good communication skills are crucial, but it's easy to slip into bad...

A vital part of the surgical team

The traditional surgical workforce has changed – and continues to do so. Discover why and...

Care for all sexual orientations

Caring for trans* clients presents a particular challenge from a career perspective

Leaders must find the right balance between challenge, support and action

Ruth Holt would like to see staff working across community and acute settings

Prepare to impress

Job interviews are increasingly likely to involve competency-based questions. What does that...

Make an impression

You're bound to be a bit nervous, but you'll never have a second chance to make a first...

Working with the homeless

Jane Cook had already enjoyed a varied career before she started working with homeless...

Getting back on track

Career coaching can help to ensure your goals are focused on what you really want, and be...

Say never to never events

They should never happen, but sometimes do, so NHS England is asking all staff to take...

How to handle bullies

Bullies can make you feel powerless, but read on for some strategies you can employ to beat...

Make yourself heard

Having the confidence to be speak up and be heard can boost your career and your patient...

'I feel I was destined to care for others'

Caring for a patient who has entrusted their life to you is the most rewarding career, says...

Try to keep a calm head

Walking away may not be an option, so here's some tips on turning round your relationship...

Compassion takes commitment

Support your colleagues and they will support you was just one of the lessons learned by the...

