Practice question

Illustration of a nurse manager, holding a clipboard and standing in the middle of a number of faceless talking heads

How can we successfully promote equality, diversity and inclusion in nursing?

Addressing barriers facing nurse leaders when strategising equal access and opportunities

Using an open stance, a courteous manner and avoiding defensiveness may influence an interaction with a complainant.

How can I create a culture where staff resolve and learn from complaints?

The ASSIST model of communication can help resolve complaints swiftly

Three senior nurses discussing a series of Post-It notes with ideas written on them: good nursing leadership when practising innovation is vital to quality patient care

How can I use my leadership skills to champion innovation?

Good leadership when practising innovation is at the core of quality patient care

Nurses administering medications: most medication errors happen during the administration process

How should nurse managers respond to medicine administration errors?

A skilled response can enourage a culture of safety, openness and positivity

How can I recognise and support staff with compassion fatigue?

Identifying the signs and supporting individuals and teams to increase emotional resilience

How can critical thinking make me a better nurse?

Critical thinking can help nurses provide excellent care and improve patient well-being
