Evidence and Practice

Multiple needle insertion attempts: insights from a US survey of patients and nurses
Safeguarding older adults in residential care: Kouzes and Posner’s leadership model
Nursing practice feedback: exploring barriers to and strategies for effective delivery
Multiple needle insertion attempts: insights from a US survey of patients and nurses
Recognising the adverse effects associated with multiple needle insertion attempts
Safeguarding older adults in residential care: Kouzes and Posner’s leadership model
Why nurses must remain open to a range of leadership approaches
Nursing practice feedback: exploring barriers to and strategies for effective delivery
Why feedback should be regarded as a valuable tool for growth rather than a punitive approach
Survey: hospital staff’s experiences of unsafe staffing levels and employers’ responses
An overview of some results of a union-led pilot survey of acute hospital staff
Staff development: exploring the perception and reality of professionalism in UK nursing
How public perception of the profession can be affected by negative portrayals in the media
Organisational support and strategies to address nurse burnout and enhance resilience
How managers can spot early warning signs and provide support to prevent nurse burnout
CPD articles
Coaching members of the healthcare team to improve care provision
How coaching techniques and skills might assist nurse leaders to support team members
Managing uncivil behaviour in the workplace
Action plan for colleagues and teams to recognise and act on workplace incivility
Understanding and investigating potential problematic behaviour towards colleagues
Nurse managers should adopt a stepped exploratory approach using a sensitive exploratory process
Developing a talent management support network for nurses and midwives
How to identify and nurture talent in your team
How to develop your ward leadership skills further
A look at different leadership models to help nurses develop ward leadership
How to
How to implement compassionate leadership in nursing teams
Everything you need to know to transform your team including the evidence base behind it
How to prepare for and undertake an effective coaching session
Creating a supportive coaching relationship to enable meaningful collaborative learning
How to manage being bullied as a nurse leader
Guidance for nurse leaders on how to identify and manage bullying behaviours directed at themselves
How to design and deliver a small group teaching session
A session should include activities constructively aligned to the aims and intended learning outcomes
How to organise and run Schwartz rounds
Group-based reflection can support the emotional, social and ethical aspects of caregiving
How to undertake structured clinical reflection
Practical guidance for nurses on how to undertake reflection
Practice question
How can we successfully promote equality, diversity and inclusion in nursing?
Addressing barriers facing nurse leaders when strategising equal access and opportunities
How can I create a culture where staff resolve and learn from complaints?
The ASSIST model of communication can help resolve complaints swiftly
How can I use my leadership skills to champion innovation?
Good leadership when practising innovation is at the core of quality patient care
How should nurse managers respond to medicine administration errors?
A skilled response can enourage a culture of safety, openness and positivity
How can I recognise and support staff with compassion fatigue?
Identifying the signs and supporting individuals and teams to increase emotional resilience
How can critical thinking make me a better nurse?
Critical thinking can help nurses provide excellent care and improve patient well-being