
QNI resource targets transition to adult community services

Online learning resource developed with the help of teenagers and parents aims to improve nursing care for young people making the transition from children's services
Carrie James

A new online learning resource to improve nursing care for young people making the transition to adult community services has been launched.

Transition case manager Carrie James, right, being interviewed about the online resource for
the QNI video, along with community palliative care nurse Caroline Monger. Picture: QNI

The Queen's Nursing Institute (QNI) hopes its new resource will help to share good practice in the transition from children’s services to adult community health services. 

About 900 young people, parents, nurses and educators were part of the consultation for the learning resource, one of the main outcomes of a two-year project led by Queen’s Nurse Candice Pellett.

A short video presents the views of young people in the process of this transition and of practitioners working in the field, including Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust health transition case manager Carrie James, who is a finalist in the child health category for this year's RCNi Nurse Awards.

Dr Pellett said: 'The resource is designed to help nurses understand the issues that young people and their families face, improving practice in this key area and the experience of young patients.'

Difficult move

She said that young people born or diagnosed in childhood with a long-term health condition are supported by dedicated children’s services, which work with their parents or guardians. But once they reach young adulthood they normally need to transition to adult health services, a move that can be difficult for many teenagers, she said.

'This process can be stressful and confusing for young people and their families, if for example there are gaps in communication or lack of joined-up working. This can lead to gaps in care delivery and adverse health impacts.'

An academic literature review by the QNI confirmed a dearth of knowledge in the area. To develop the resource, the institute held ten focus groups in different parts of the country and conducted three online surveys, as well as ensuring wider stakeholder involvement.

For the online learning resource click here

To see the QNI video click here

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