Nurses honoured for ‘exceptional contribution’ to the profession

Nurses, midwives and nursing associates recognised for enhancing practice and outstanding contribution to patient care at RCN Foundation Impact Awards ceremony

Dozens of nurses were recognised for their contribution to the profession at the annual RCN Foundation Impact Awards.
The awards are a celebration of the exceptional work undertaken by nurses, midwives and healthcare support workers every day.
Eight nurses, midwives and nursing associates were announced as award winners at a ceremony on 11 July. They were selected out of many applicants whose RCN Foundation education grants have supported them in enhancing their practice and creating an outstanding contribution to patient care throughout the UK.
Investment to support and strengthen nursing and midwifery
Among the winners is a primary mental health practitioner who adapted cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for people with autism, a clinical nurse specialist who undertook asthma courses to improve the running of asthma clinics and a nursing associate who used their grant to undertake a degree in adult nursing.
RCN Foundation director Deepa Korea said: ‘It is a privilege to witness the immense difference that the RCN Foundation’s investment continues to make to support and strengthen nursing and midwifery, and improve the health and well-being of the public.
‘These awards mark the culmination of another remarkable year for nursing and midwifery. We congratulate all our award winners for their outstanding commitment to providing the best possible patient care.’
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