
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Overseas nurse recruitment

Nurses recruited on 'earn, learn and return' scheme

NMC register: nursing associates may pay same as nurses to be registered

Nursing and Midwifery Council proposal could see nursing associates pay £120 a year to...

New chief nurse for Great Ormond Street Hospital

Executive director of nursing based in the Middle East who trained at Great Ormond Street...

NHS urges parents to ensure children have flu vaccination before Christmas break

Parents are being urged to vaccinate their children against flu in time for Christmas,...

Nurse burnout study

‘Patient-related burnout’ affects job performance, study finds

EXCLUSIVE: opinion divided over 12-hour shifts

Nursing Standard poll shows 50% of nurses favour longer shift patterns

Self harm is not an illness but a symptom of something deeper, children's nurses...

Children's nurses are increasing having to deal with young people who have self harmed and...

NHS England: difficult debate needed on services despite extra funds in budget

NHS England says it needs to discuss ‘what it is possible to deliver for patients with the...

Budget pledges funds to cover nursing pay rise

Chancellor Philip Hammond committed £2.8 billion resource funding for the NHS in England

Children with suicidal thoughts ‘may miss out on mental health support’

Some teenagers say that suicidal feelings are not enough to get them treatment, Children's...

More needs to be done to support children with learning disabilities, conference hears

People with learning disabilities are being made to seem like they are thieves of the state...

‘Nurse practitioners could help solve staff shortage in neonatal care’

University College London professor tells Nursing Children and Young People Conference 2017...

RCN course prepares nurses to fight antimicrobial resistance

The new course will respond to the needs of nurses working in infection prevention and...

Chancellor hints at lifting pay cap in budget

Public services staff 'under pressure' due to pay restraint

'Overdue' legislation to reduce number of assaults on staff will cover all...

A draft law which was seeking to make it a specific offence to assault emergency staff in...

NHS told to tighten up on use of ‘advanced’ in job titles

NHS organisations are being told to ensure that staff using job titles containing the word ‘...

Respiratory nurse named RCN in Wales Nurse of the Year

Cwm Taf University Health Board nurse recognised for early recognition and staff training...

Nurses and healthcare staff invited to apply to become NICE fellows or scholars

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is offering the chance for health and...

