
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

New Year’s honours: Nurses’ achievements recognised

Nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants receive honours

Staff retention plan urges trusts to ‘think imaginatively’ about how to keep nurses

NHS organisations are being challenged to ‘think imaginatively’ about persuading nurses to...

Nurses among emergency medical team flying out to Bangladesh refugee camp

UK health professionals respond to a deadly outbreak of diphtheria among 600,000 Rohingya...

Hospital income from car parking hits record £174.5 million

Struggling hospitals should not try to make money off their staff, the RCN has warned, after...

Hospitals warned to reduce sugary drinks or face ban

Almost two-thirds of NHS trusts have already signed up to a voluntary scheme

Report reveals chief nursing officer’s ‘increasing concern’ at lack of opportunities...

Chief nursing officer for England Jane Cummings calls on trusts to support BME candidates...

Great Ormond Street Hospital: Children thrilled with nurses’ festive gifts

A nurse caring for sick children at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital described the...

Top midwife sees chance for better continuity of care for mums-to-be

The coming year will be an opportunity to drive better continuity of care for mothers-to-be...

Healthcare union chiefs urge government to retain working time regulations after...

Patient safety will be at risk if working time regulations are ditched, warn union leaders

Christmas hardship: RCN charity outlines tips on managing finances for nurses

Nurses, midwives or healthcare assistants – not just RCN members – are eligible to apply for...

Nurses thanked for their hard work and dedication in Christmas messages

UK nursing leaders have praised 'dedicated and compassionate' nurses, midwives and...

RCN evidence: the real cost of 'demoralising' pay freeze ...

The exodus of nurses will continue unless staff receive an above inflation pay rise, the RCN...

42,000 nurse vacancies in England, according to Labour Party estimates

Labour Party says that NHS has more than 100,000 vacant posts in England

Former chief nurse of England becomes Bishop of London

Dame Sarah Mullally to become the 133 rd Bishop of London in 2018 and installed in a service...

Nurses encouraged to have flu vaccination ahead of winter

Infection experts are encouraging nurses to ensure they have a flu vaccination to protect...

Health Education England consults on new strategy to address NHS staffing crisis

An expansion of the nursing Return to Practice scheme and a 25% increase in the number of...

NHS in England to publish statistics on avoidable deaths

The NHS in England will become the first health system to publish figures on avoidable...

Roald Dahl nurses get in festive spirit to welcome royal patron

Nurses from Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity helped decorate a Christmas tree to...

