
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Health surcharge bill for overseas nurses in London will near £4 million in 2019

RCN says doubling of fee for using NHS services will deter potential recruits

Nurses among staff suspended at young people’s mental health unit

Trust investigates concerns about techniques used for moving patients at Middlesbrough centre

Job flexibility is key to recruiting and retaining nurses, says NHS Employers

NHS cannot improve care if it fails to keep its staff, employers tell pay review body

Jersey nurses to consider next steps after rejecting ‘final’ pay offer

RCN says members demand pay parity with allied health professional colleagues

Online nursing degrees: the government’s plan for solving the workforce crisis

RCN says NHS Long Term Plan falls short of solving nurse shortage

Can you help identify ‘Nurse Brown from Jamaica’?

Mystery Windrush-generation nurse among the ‘unsung heroes’ featured in exhibition

Don’t be pressured to leave the NHS pension scheme, warns RCN

College says more must be done to market the scheme’s benefits to nurses

RCNi Nurse Awards: BME nurses to be offered free support to enter

Leadership coach will host event for nurses thinking of putting their names forward

Children consume more sugar by age ten than recommended for an 18 year old

Switching to low-sugar options could cut intake by 2,500 sugar cubes a year

Government reveals plan to make NHS ‘the best place in the world to give birth’

Royal College of Midwives welcomes maternity services package, but ‘not on a shoestring’

Humble and proud: nurses on New Year honours

This year’s New Year honours list includes 27 members of the nursing profession 

Nearly half of NHS trusts surveyed in England have increased their car parking charges

RCN says the goodwill of staff will not last forever

NHS plans £7 million extra funding a year for children’s hospices in England

Increase – set to take effect by 2023 – means annual rise from £11 million to £25 million as...

Slump in EU nurses coming to work in London is ‘putting patients at risk’

London has the highest nurse vacancy rate in England’s NHS

Lifetime achievement award for child health professor

Faith Gibson recognised for contribution to children's cancer care

NHS strategy targets diversity at senior manager level

Action plan says organisations should set targets for BME representation in leadership roles

Nursing and workforce spending to go up in Scotland

Scottish Government announces budget increase – but warns of challenges to come

Study aims to tell ‘real story of nursing’

Research will cover gender, working conditions and what attracts people to nursing

