
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Children’s transition into adult learning disability services

Literature review to identify and critically appraise findings of UK qualitative studies

Experiences of caregivers when communicating with healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals need to engage more constructively with caregivers

Positive behaviour support: video-based intervention

Supporting a young autistic person by engaging him in the co-production of a video

Experiences of developing a university curriculum for learning disability

Report on a new nursing student-designed learning disability nursing programme

Taking blood from a person with a learning disability

Learn about reasonable adjustments for people undergoing a blood test or injection

Improving access to breast cancer screening by women with learning disabilities

A literature review of the barriers women with learning disabilities can experience

Screening for learning disability in primary care

An examination of feasibility against the Wilson-Jungner criteria

Listening to people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities

How active listening is a fundamental skill that underpins effective communication

Supporting children and young people with learning disabilities during COVID-19

How a CAMHS learning disabilities team supported mental health during the pandemic

Helicobacter pylori testing and treatment

Experience and reflections of a community learning disability team

Setting up a support group for men with learning disabilities who cross-dress

Includes case studies to illustrate the men’s experiences of being part of the support group

The care needs of people with intellectual disabilities at the end of life

Supporting service users to receive end of life care from people they are familiar with

Predicting staff turnover in learning disability social care services

Identifying areas that can be addressed to reduce the turnover of staff

Functional loss in older adults with intellectual disabilities and dementia

In this population, functional loss could be an early indicator of dementia

Role of Admiral Nurses in supporting people with learning disabilities and dementia

An exploration of the role of the Admiral Nurse in learning disability services

Applying the principles of trauma-informed care in intellectual disability services

Outlining areas for future research and examples of trauma-informed care

Knowledge of social care staff about learning disability: 20 years on

There is an ongoing need for improved understanding of what a learning disability is

How one acute hospital responded to COVID-19 in people with learning disabilities

Royal Liverpool University Hospital’s response to COVID in the learning disability population

