
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Genetics and learning disability practice: is it part of your role?

In her work as a learning disability nurse, Sarah had become aware that parents of...

To boldly go...

What connects Chesterfield Foot-ball Supporters’ Society, Bulky Bob’s waste...

Altogether now: learning disability open meetings

Services for people with learning disabilities have seen massive changes over the...

Promoting access to services: the development of a new screening tool

The term ‘learning disability’ is a social construct whose defining characteristics...

Risk assessment and the use of restrictive physical intervention in adults with a...

Using physical interventions to restrict people with learning disabilities has...

Encouraging learning disability nursing research

Every area of health care is increasingly under-pinned by the principle of evidence...

Living with disability

Parenting a child with severe learning disabilities can bring about many challenges...

Endless evolution: how patterns of care shift over time

The Valuing People White Paper confirmed that the general health of people with...

access to community services for black and minority ethnic groups: increasing staff...

The Valuing People White Paper identified that ‘services and support to people with...

Developing health resources with the help of people with Down syndrome

Down’s Syndrome Scotland received funding in 2003 from the Big Lottery Fund and the...

attitudes towards sexuality: a pilot study in Ireland

‘Sexuality’, when viewed in its broadest context, it is not just about sex in the...

providing intimate care: the views and values of carers

People with severe and profound learning disabilities still represent one of the...

developing mentorship through collaboration

Learning disability nursing in Scotland can be considered to be facing some...

sexual issues and people with a learning disability

Neville Parkes used a focus group approach to explore what staff think about the...

Having a say

people with learning disabilities have not, historically, been treated well by the...

epilepsy: fit for practice?

At some point in their lives, most practitioners will have witnessed someone having...

difficulties faced by social care staff when managing challenging behaviour

Many people with a learning disability live in community settings supported by...

Dimethylglycine and people with autism

After finding some interesting research findings on the web from 40 years ago,...

