
What is a hospital receptionist’s duty of care?

Following a Supreme Court ruling, emergency department clerical staff may require closer...

CPR: unified approach to implementing advanced care plans vital for ambulance crews

Pre-hospital systems for respecting end of life wishes need to be explored for true person-...

New 'duty to refer' homeless act emphasises role of nurses

Initiating change in the care of a homeless person is hard, but it can be done

Safeguarding practice in emergency care

Mandy Rumley-Buss asks if we are achieving our competencies in meeting our adult...

Choosing the right road to your leadership style

Rhian Monteith looks at the importance of building on strengths rather than correcting...

How the Mary Seacole course has influenced me as a leader

Lou Adams reflects on how her leadership style was challenged by the training programme

Speculating on the future of emergency care

What does the future hold for emergency care with a new health secretary, ponders Justin...

Why effective leadership is critical to patient outcomes

Leaders who empower are rare, but are an essential and effective team developer

Bringing ergonomics to the emergency department

Applying ergonomics in NHS trusts can boost patient safety and staff morale

Suicide prevention in the US needed now more than ever

As US suicide rates continue to rise, what can emergency nurses do to help those at risk?

We need to look after our workforce

Our Blue Light seeks to improve the well-being of emergency service professionals

Life at any cost

Should the cost of emergency care be considered when a patient's life is at risk? And what...

Bigger picture: training can help us to reduce deaths by suicide

Nurses in emergency care must be prepared to assess and support those who may be in need

There is no place for body cameras in nursing practice

Staff safety should be a priority but cameras would put an unacceptable barrier between...

Telling it like it is through the world of comedy

Former junior doctor turned comedian Adam Kay has nurses questioning when will the C for...

D-dimer testing for DVT is a game-changer in ambulatory care

Point of care tests for patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis have reduced waiting...

Planning for the next generation of emergency care clinicians

Reflection and forward planning would help nurture emergency care clinicians rather than...

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): implications for nurses and the NHS

What you can expect from the new data protection regulation and how it will affect your work

