
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

NMC revalidation data highlights diversity among NHS nurses and midwives

More than one third of nurses in the care home sector were trained outside the UK

Singing children’s nurse moves viewers to tears in Great Ormond Street video

Patient's mother praises nurse Beth Porch as hundreds respond to moving clip on Twitter

Ambulance service appoints nurse ambassadors to promote profession to the public

North West Ambulance Service nurses will support colleagues’ career development too

Disinfectant fails to remove superbugs from hospital surgical gowns, study finds

Researchers find Clostridium difficile spores and advise robust infection control

Working nights: why nurses in London deserve a better deal on public transport

Campaign calls for nurses’ out-of-hours commutes to be quicker, cheaper and safer

Number of nursing student applications from England must rise faster, RCN says

New data show an increase of only 4% since last year – and a fall of 29% since 2016

'Undercover nurses' honoured in NHS Parliamentary Awards ...

West Herts safeguarding team help potential victims of sex trafficking

Petition aims to secure Nobel peace prize for two leprosy nurses

Austrian nurses devoted 40 years to caring for an ostracised community in South Korea

Successful nurse retention scheme now rolled out to whole of NHS in England

RCN says ‘investing in the workforce reaps dividends’

Fitness to practise cases: proposed changes ‘will benefit patients and nursing staff’

Planned legislation will allow regulator to make process faster and less punitive

‘Just and learning’ culture can reduce stress and bullying – new guidance

NHS Resolution says improving staff support will save NHS millions in compensation claims

Potential nurse shortage in the Philippines threatens future supply of staff to the UK

International Council of Nurses’ Howard Catton says shortfall ‘is a big issue for the world’

Work of IVF nurse pioneers will finally be celebrated… 40 years after they were snubbed

Achievements of the test tube baby nurses went unrecorded on commemorative plaque

Do you know your clinical nurse specialist from your nurse practitioner?

Move to tighten definition of advanced nursing practice aims to end confusion about roles

RCN calls for ‘proper workforce strategy’ to avoid sepsis delays

RCN calls for workforce strategy in NHS to avoid life-threatening delays to sepsis treatment

Investment in nurses is key to achieving universal healthcare – ICN

ICN president Annette Kennedy says investing in nurses is an economic imperative

Nurses told to take antibiotics in bid to prevent further deaths from rare infection

Death toll rises to 13 as authorities try to contain Group A streptococcus outbreak in Essex

Hospital infrastructure report reveals collapsed ceilings and sewage leaks

Poor state of repair at some NHS hospitals has seen operations delayed and patients moved

