
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

30,000 patients and counting: the nurse who is a ‘fantastic’ asset to her community

Emergency nurse practitioner at Betsi Cadwaladr health board helped set up essential service

Proposed £36,000 salary threshold for migrants ‘should not apply to nurses’

Think tank’s suggested minimum salary threshold sparks nurse recruitment concerns

80% of people think patients use emergency services unnecessarily, survey finds

But half of respondents said they found it difficult to secure an appointment with their GP

Nearly 7,000 NHS staff sick days in England last year due to drug or alcohol misuse

Alcohol charity says a climate of openness and support is vital

Wound repair smart sensor could help nurses assess patient healing

Researchers developing microsensor to monitor wound healing from within a bandage

Nurses demand the NHS pension flexibility that’s been promised to consultants

While nurses struggle to pay into scheme, ministers plan to ease rules for NHS high earners

Last chance to have your say in Nursing Standard’s well-being at work survey

Tell us which factors affect you most during your shift

Rise in number of new nursing students in Scotland coincides with increase in bursary

RCN welcomes hike but says this must be backed up by increased mentoring

Campaign to reduce glove use improves nurses’ hand health and saves money

Initiative at children’s hospital also benefits the environment

Run, walk, swim or bake for nurse hardship fundraising campaign

Cavell Nurses’ Trust’s #10KForNurses challenge will help support colleagues in need

RCN Northern Ireland to ballot members on industrial action over pay and staffing

College cites 2,600 unfilled nursing posts and 15% fall in pay over past eight years

From TV nurse to ED nurse: my real-life role swap

Emergency department has all the excitement of former career, says Casualty actor

Prevent emergency admissions from care homes with dedicated primary care teams, says RCN

Around one in 12 emergency admissions to hospital is for a person living in a care home

Nurse well-being at work survey: we want your views

Let us know what you think about breaks, staffing and work-related stress

Disproportionate number of black African nurses face fitness to practise process

Questions over why NMC sees so many referrals that require no further action

NHS reliant on unpaid overtime and goodwill of staff, review body says

Pay Review Body says staff will struggle to cope unless changes are made

Public health green paper published, but ‘buried’, says RCN

Plans include steps to tackle smoking, obesity and mental health issues

Sepsis: hospital admissions in England have more than doubled in three years

Commentators say figure could be due to rise in awareness of the condition

