Practice question

How do I manage the care of an older person with delirium?

Guidelines recommend prompt detection by screening older people on admission to hospital

Why is medicines optimisation important for older people living with frailty?

Medicines optimisation can help ensure appropriate polypharmacy

How should I discuss not attempting CPR with people who have dementia?

Discuss the wishes of people with dementia proactively due to its progression

Surprise questions that can improve end of life care

Older people approaching the end of life can be helped by asking the right questions

Care home residents can benefit from carrying out everyday activities

Safety concerns prevent care home residents doing everyday tasks that benefit them...

What is ageism, how can I recognise it and how can I deal with it in my workplace?

Discrimination against older people can mean inferior standards in services that affect them

How do I recognise and treat pain appropriately in a person with dementia?

A tool to help staff manage pain in dementia care uses four simple steps

Older people’s feedback on care

What are the best ways of capturing and drawing on older people’s experiences of care to...

Why is future care planning so important for people living with frailty?

Why early conversations about end of life care are essential for people living with frailty

How can advance care planning improve end of life care for nursing home residents?

How PEACE planning can guide nursing home staff and community nursing teams

How can critical thinking make me a better nurse?

Critical thinking can help nurses provide excellent care and improve patient well-being

How you can support an older patient experiencing anxiety and depression

How would I recognise if someone with dementia was experiencing anxiety or depression and...

How do I care for a person with a stoma and dementia?

Living with dementia and a stoma

How can I provide person-centred care for older people living with frailty?

Frailty is not an inevitable part of ageing and personalised care can help manage the...

How do I improve delirium care for older surgical patients?

A serious condition with poor outcomes, delirium is best prevented by early identification...

Could using simulated practice with registered nurses improve the delivery of physical...

How you can improve the outcomes for older people in clinical settings by integrating...

Practice question: How can we help older people in our care home stay connected with...

Joint activities such as art, sewing, knitting, cooking or growing plants help relationships...

How can I identify older people who may be frail?

Frailty is not an inevitable part of ageing, yet it is more common in older people.

