Assessing pain in older people with normal, mildly impaired or severely impaired...
A comprehensive assessment is essential for pain management and one tool on its own is rarely sufficient
Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.
A comprehensive assessment is essential for pain management and one tool on its own is rarely sufficient
Nurses can offer support using their relationships with patients to encourage healthy behaviours
Nurses should motivate older people to exercise and adopt exercise-based falls prevention strategies
Practical strategies that can support people living with dementia and their family carers
Nurses should be aware of tools that may assist in preventing or reducing inappropriate medicines use
Adverse effects of polypharmacy on older people and medicines optimisation for those living with frailty
How nurses can help older people in hospital regain their mobility
Person-centred interventions to improve food and drink intake of older people with dementia
Increase your knowledge of how to assess, prevent and reduce frailty
Enhancing the care environment for staff and patients in older people’s care settings
Enhance your knowledge of infection prevention measures to reduce risk of COVID transmission
Empathy is integral to communication with older people and central to person-centred care