
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Strikes back in prospect as union roundly rejects new pay offer and issues ultimatum

Extra offer for staff in Wales’ NHS wouldn’t make up for years of ‘being undervalued’

Lucy Letby trial: doctors ‘felt pressure to not make a fuss’ despite concerns

Consultant says concerns were raised with senior staff eight months before nurse left ward

With strikes on hold for many nursing staff, why are some pressing ahead with walkouts?

Unions outside pay talks say ministers’ move to meet RCN is a divide-and-rule tactic

Nurses urged to vote for key pay deal to be ‘best paid in UK’

RCN says offer for Scotland ‘will make a positive difference for our members’

Ask nurses to reimburse the state? But the NHS is already running on our goodwill

Scathing reactions to MP’s idea nurses outside NHS should ‘pay their dues’ to the public

Nurses’ strike: unions warn of ‘perilous consequences’ to RCN-only pay talks

Singling out RCN for pay talks could prolong strikes and jeopardise Agenda for Change

Prestigious RCN Nursing Awards 2023 open for entries

Nominations now being accepted, with entries open to individuals and teams in 15 categories

Nurse faces 225-mile commute despite mounting local vacancies

Northern Ireland trusts have acknowledged delays to recruitment process

Nurses should ‘pay back their dues’ if they don’t work in NHS, says MP

Sir Christopher Chope says training is at great public expense, despite students paying fees

Discrimination at work: black nurse wins ‘landmark’ tribunal case

Judgement finds against NHS England after Michelle Cox experienced racism from her team

Uniform uniformity: are you ready for your new ‘smart scrubs’?

Deal for supply of standardised workwear for NHS staff in England is finally sewn up

Lucy Letby trial: ‘a physical chill went down my spine’ consultant tells court

Ravi Jayaram recalls the moment he discovered possible cause of babies’ deterioration

Black NHS nurses still most likely to face discrimination, progress desperately needed

A third of BME and ‘other’ white nurses also receive more harassment, bullying and abuse

Anti-strike law slammed as ‘not fit for purpose’

Impact of bill that could see nurses sacked for going on strike ‘not properly assessed’

Nurses shouldn’t get more than 3.5% pay rise from April, ministers tell NHS pay review

Stance branded a ‘sick joke’ as union and government meet to break 2022-23 pay stalemate

Nurses’ strikes paused as ‘intensive’ pay talks to go ahead

Dramatic breakthrough will see RCN and DHSC meet tomorrow to discuss pay and productivity

Lucy Letby told police officers that harmful insulin dose ‘was not done by me’

Nurse denied deliberate sabotage by dosing Child L with unprescribed insulin

Nurses head up task force to improve working conditions – but not pay

‘The voice of nursing is being heard’ says RCN, as Scotland seeks to resolve pay dispute

