
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Struck off: the nurse who failed to alert her ex-employer after it carried on paying her

Nurse was wrongly paid a salary for almost two years, but ‘had always intended to repay it’

Give nurses power to perform early-stage abortions, MPs told

Study authors tell parliamentary group that ‘women prefer nurse-delivered services’

Would you be happy for a loved one to receive NHS care where you work?

NHS staff survey shows that only 60% of nurses in England would be satisfied to do so

Will the government’s NHS workforce plan be a ‘betrayal of all staff’?

Critics respond to claims that specific nursing numbers may be removed from staffing plan

No deal yet on nurses’ pay – talks to continue next week

Talks with health unions described as ‘constructive’ by DHSC as strikes remain paused

Lucy Letby trial: parents begged for newborn to be moved

Father wanted surviving triplet to go to another hospital following deaths of boy’s brothers

Anti-strikes law could breach nurses’ human rights

Bill would discriminate against nurses and cause confusion, says parliamentary panel

Pay talks back on… even though union members have already accepted latest offer

Negotiations restart as Welsh ministers move to avert more strikes following RCN ultimatum

Develop your career and boost your well-being at Nursing Live

The two-day event will feature expert talks, self-care advice and live entertainment

Black nurse told to bleach her skin wins £26,000 for racial harassment

Nurse depressed after boss told her to make her skin white so ‘patients will be nice to you’

Lucy Letby trial: doctor recalls seeing unexplained blood and swelling in baby’s throat

Registrar made three attempts to intubate baby boy, as defence points to ‘suboptimal care’

NHS England apologises to black nurse and praises her courage

‘Landmark’ tribunal found Michelle Cox was treated unfairly by her employer due to her race

Nursing gets the Antiques Roadshow treatment – and one nurse gets his ‘pinch me’ moment

Award winner reflects on showcasing the profession for BBC1 show’s special episode

UK COVID-19 Inquiry wants ‘overlooked’ nurses to share their experiences

Give your views while nurse leaders highlight inadequate protection for community nurses

Comfort and pockets: what nurses really want from a national uniform

As a garment supplier is chosen the priorities are comfort, free movement and deep pockets

Nurses’ strike: other unions now invited to pay talks, not just RCN

Government extends invitation after unions warned of consequences if left out of negotiations

‘Nurse’ title a step closer to being protected by law

Regulator hails ‘exciting’ draft law as a template for future registration of nurses

Who decides what nurses are paid in the UK

Spelling out how things stand on nurses’ pay for the current year as well as 2023-24

