
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Ankle sprain: a literature search

An internet and library literature search was undertaken to discover current best...

Vegetation, vegetables, vesicles: plants and skin

Plants and plant extracts can adversely affect the skin in several ways that can be...

Auditing a nurse led fracture referral service

Audit is a word that can conjure thoughts of facts and figures that some nurses may...

Coming home from war: a literature review

This, the last of three literature reviews, builds on previous articles concerned...

Rescue paramedic style: a training scenario

For most emergency nurses, rescue is something that happens in the pre-hospital...

Poisoning: sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate

Sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are widely used both pharmaceutical and in...

Metallic and inorganic mercury poisoning

Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is most familiar in its metallic form...

Minor and major patients – what can be done?

The Department of Health documents, The NHS Plan (DoH 2000) and Reforming Emergency...

Participation in warfare: a literature review

Last month’s Emergency Nurse article by Wild (2003) presented literature concerning...

Going to war: a literature review

During the Gulf War (GW) 1991, many NHS hospitals were placed on standby to receive...

Preparing for a chemical incident

Since the terrorist attack on the US on September 11 2001 and the increasing...

Educational preparation for ENP roles

This paper reports on a study undertaken to obtain a ‘snapshot’ of ENP education...

Faculty of emergency nursing pilot study part two

The first paper in this two-part series on the faculty of emergency nursing (FEN)...

Effective relief of acute coronary syndrome

The National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease (DoH 2000a) has...

Overdose of cough and cold remedies

Acute upper respiratory infection, also known as the common cold, remains one of...

Core functions of change in emergency care

This article focuses on emergency nurse practitioners (ENPs) and the streaming of...

Faculty of emergency nursing pilot study part one

The RCN A&E Nursing Association initiated and developed the concept of a...

Per vagina (PV) bleeding in early pregnancy

Bleeding in early pregnancy is a traumatic experience for women who are expecting...

