Jane Bates: Painful predicament of the worried well
Risk being labelled ‘worried well’ or miss a diagnosis so as not to ‘bother the doctor’?
Risk being labelled ‘worried well’ or miss a diagnosis so as not to ‘bother the doctor’?
Support for young families is lacking, and the authorities need to get their act together
Gloomy days and chocolate conspire against the meat-free, dairy-free nutritional trend
Nutrition advice to pregnant women can cause anxiety, says Jane Bates
For many of us, learning from our mistakes seems merely an expression, not an option
While Brexit may not mean Brexit, New Year always means resolutions
Even with a well-run clinic schedule you can’t please everyone
Our columnist’s thoughts turn to Christmas, killjoys… and rhyming couplets
Agency nurses don't demoralise NHS staff – it's the sheer lack of nurses that's the problem
A surprising answer leaves Jane Bates incredulous
I'm glad driver eyesight – or lack of it – is now being taken seriously by traffic police
The sensory losses that can come with age have a big impact on mental health
Matt Hancock’s ambition to put technology at the heart of the NHS will require investment
Jane Bates argues the case for a bit more nannying
Two topical stories highlight flaws in the way the NHS deals with complaints against staff
Jane Bates recalls a surprising use for the tough loo rolls of yesteryear
Remembering the name of the diabetes blood test is a challenge, says Jane Bates
Given how difficult it can be to see a GP, are people finding other routes to healthcare?