Career advice


Fancy a new job? Come to our careers fair and you might even go home with an offer

Explore your options and meet a variety of nurse employers keen to recruit

Becoming an advanced clinical practitioner: what you need to know

From the four pillars to credentialing, what it takes to achieve advanced practice

Don’t let NMC’s blueprint for community care pass by without specialist nursing input

QNI sees flaws in regulator’s plan and urges nurses to respond to its consultation

Nurse burnout: the course helping staff to be advocates for self-care among colleagues

Course aims to meet nurses’ emotional needs using clinical supervision model

Is it time to step up to a band 6 nursing position?

The pandemic may have given you a taste of more senior roles – so consider your next move

Fear and anxiety can infect teams, but you can harness this crisis to come out stronger

COVID-19 is putting nurses under extreme pressure, so here’s how to help colleagues cope

We saw first-hand how learning disability nurses helped our son

After witnessing their son’s care, a couple have decided to become learning disability nurses

Tapping into the wisdom of learning disabilities nurses

The RCN wants all acute hospitals to have 24-hour access to a learning disabilities liaison...

Caring for yourself when you are the patient

Being a nurse doesn’t give immunity from long-term illness: points to consider after being...

Study highlights link between unfairness and staff sickness

Work dissatisfaction can affect health, recruitment and retention

Rediscover your passion by setting fresh career goals

Work motivation can be kick-started by redefining your ambitions

Stress puts off nurse directors from going for the top job

A recent report shows nurse directors are reluctant to take on chief executive roles because...

Simple ways to take back control and reduce your stress levels

In a challenging work situation, the level of stress and anxiety you are feeling may well be...

Be a leading candidate

Nerves can take hold and speech become garbled when you are put on the spot. Here, we offer...

Workplace matters

Medical settings are fast-paced and busy, so if someone is not pulling their weight, it can...

Stay open to change

Most of us find change a challenge, but by accepting it as inevitable we can make the most...

Want to set up a nurse-led clinic? Here's how to do it...

Detailed planning and communication with team members are vital to creating a successful...

From negative to positive: turn redundancy into an opportunity

Being made redundant can feel like a crushing blow, but it might just be the springboard to...

