
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Industrial action threat over pay ‘very much alive’, RCN warns

The RCN will ballot members over industrial action later this year if the government...

Nurses across the UK campaign for fairer pay

40 events held as part of Scrap the Cap campaign

No need to complete antibiotics course, study says

Doctors’ orders to 'complete the course' for some antibiotics may be wrong, and patients...

'Act now to stop senior nurses quitting NHS'

Call from RCN on national day of campaigning

Nurses and firefighters team up to help older people at risk of falling

Nurses are training firefighters across Bradford and Airedale to identify people over 65 at...

Report warns of ‘urgent workforce challenges’ facing NHS in Scotland

Nurses and other NHS staff in Scotland are facing increasing workload pressures due to a...

New data reveals nurse vacancies

Pay restraint and Brexit to blame for falling numbers and rising vacancies, say unions

£16.4 million housing to tempt new nurses

Staff accommodation block to be built at a hospital in Lincolnshire

Francis Inquiry lessons risk being lost due to staff burnout, charity warns

NHS staff wellbeing is suffering under the strain of increasing service pressures at the...

Eye care firm offers £1m of laser surgery to nurses, other emergency workers

An eye care company is offering £1 million worth of laser eye surgery to nurses and other...

RCN urges nurses to back its ‘biggest-ever’ rally

College to stage Scrap the Cap rally in September

Referrals for art and poetry classes ‘could save the NHS money’

Report by MPs and peers says the NHS should use ‘arts-on-prescription’ programmes in an...

NMC reveals reasons why nurses are referred to regulator

Only one in five referrals to fitness to practise proceedings concern patient care.

NMC chief executive received pay rise of almost £20,000

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) chief executive Jackie Smith received a pay rise of...

Vulnerable people being 'let down' by council and care providers...

People who do not have the ability to choose how they are cared for are being 'let down' by...

Support promised for NHS staff who smoke

Part of government plans for 'smoke-free generation'

University offers nurses trained overseas the chance to join NMC register

Middlesex University helps healthcare assistants to transition to nursing.

Nurse with motor neurone disease provides evidence in assisted dying case

Alison Pickard, a nurse with motor neurone disease, has provided evidence to the high court...

