
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Overseas students’ impact on the UK to be reviewed

International students’ effect on the UK labour market is to be assessed by independent...

Nurse staffing levels study

'Lower staffing levels put patient lives at risk'

Nurses reject claims that fancy dress fundraisers ‘demeaned’ the profession

Nurses have expressed support for fundraisers whose donations were rejected by an NHS trust...

NMC issues advice to nurses on responding to incidents and emergencies

Nurses and midwives are being reminded that they should get themselves to a place of safety...

Scrap the Cap: nurses urged to join day of action

The RCN wants nurses to share their stories on the effects of pay restraint as part of a...

Pedestrian crossings must allow time for old and disabled, says NICE

Councils need to ensure that older and disabled people have enough time to cross the road...

'Worry' at reliance on emergency care for patients with dementia nearing the...

There has been a 'worrying' increase in the reliance on emergency care for patients with...

Punk nursing student has TV makeover to make him look more ‘professional’ to patients

A television makeover crew has helped a nursing student look ‘more professional’ by taming...

Warning of city nurse exodus due to rail fare hike

Unison says nurses who commute could quit

Jeremy Hunt and Stephen Hawking clash over NHS

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has launched a fresh attack on Stephen Hawking for suggesting...

New backing for RCN's e-nurse campaign

College aim to make every nurse an e-nurse by 2020

Barcelona attack: nurse describes ‘chaos’ and trying to help the injured

A Spanish nurse has described how he fought to save the life of a little boy who was...

Chief nurse to lead NHS England’s London region

Jane Cummings to take charge of NHS England's London region

Promised extra nursing places offered in A-level clearing

Extra nursing training places promised by the government have been made available for...

Older patients ‘suffer in silence’ when care goes wrong, says ombudsman

Too many older people are ‘suffering in silence’ when things go wrong with their NHS care,...

Japanese fungus: nurse staffing levels in spotlight

Infection prevention experts say there is ‘no evidence’ low nurse numbers played a part in...

Sir Ian McKellen joins healthcare assistants at Pride parade

Healthcare assistants had a brush with stardom when they marched with Sir Ian McKellen at...

Nearly 190,000 care home places needed by 2035, experts warn

Almost 190,000 new care home places will be needed in less than two decades to meet soaring...

