
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Pay cap to be lifted in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon confirms

The Scottish First Minister has committed to lifting the 1% public sector pay cap in...

RCN calls on nurses to become ‘delirium champions’ in bid to improve care

The RCN has launched a project to help NHS staff spot the signs of delirium among patients.

Former MP Ann Widdecombe dresses up as Florence Nightingale for cancer charity

She joins other celebrities who have dressed up as their rebel heroes.

Pay cap: could it be lifted?

Speculation mounts over Prime Minister scrapping the 1% cap

NHS Providers: Health service needs emergency cash to avoid winter crisis

The NHS is facing its worst winter in recent history if it does not receive an immediate...

Stop paying nurses a pittance, says nurse classmate of Theresa May

A nurse who was at school with prime minster Theresa May has warned the government must stop...

Two weeks to respond to NMC's future nurse plans...

Time is ticking for nurses and nursing students to have their say on plans for an overhaul...

Social care system not fit for purpose, MPs poll finds

Nine in ten members of Parliament do not believe the social care system is fit for purpose,...

Chief nurse at University Hospitals Birmingham dies suddenly

Nurses' tributes to 'incredible' University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust chief...

Respiratory nurses not spending enough time with patients – and half planning to retire...

One in four NHS respiratory nursing teams say they are unable to spend enough time with...

Support for allied health professionals after a career break

Allied health professionals to get support back to practice following career breaks.

ICN chief executive steps down

The International Council of Nurses chief executive Frances Hughes has left the organisation...

Call for ‘robust action’ to increase BME nurse director numbers

Lack of information about the number of black and minority ethnic (BME) nurses in position...

Celebrity speakers announced for RCN Scrap the cap London rally

Comic actors and political activists Sir Tony Robinson and Rob Delaney are to speak at the...

Overseas students’ impact on the UK to be reviewed

International students’ effect on the UK labour market is to be assessed by independent...

Nurse staffing levels study

'Lower staffing levels put patient lives at risk'

Nurses reject claims that fancy dress fundraisers ‘demeaned’ the profession

Nurses have expressed support for fundraisers whose donations were rejected by an NHS trust...

NMC issues advice to nurses on responding to incidents and emergencies

Nurses and midwives are being reminded that they should get themselves to a place of safety...

