
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Online social networks for patient involvement and recruitment in clinical research

Aim To review current literature and discuss the potential of online social...

Confidence interval for statistical power using a sample variance estimate

Aims To improve estimation of statistical power by constructing its confidence...

Post-structural feminist interpretive interactionism

Aim To present an adaptation of interpretive interactionism that incorporates and...

The challenges of being an insider in storytelling research

Aim To describe the challenges related to being an ‘insider’ researcher in a study...

Undertaking qualitative research that involves native Chinese people

Aim To describe the dynamics of the Chinese people who will be encountered in a...

Multimethodology research with boys with severe haemophilia

Aim To describe the use of an innovative, multimethodological approach to exploring...

An example of qualitative comparative analysis in nursing research

Aim To describe an example of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in a study...

Involving patients and the public in research

Aim To present the actions taken by the Scottish Dementia Clinical Research Network...

Acknowledging hubris in interpretative data analysis

Aim To explore the notion of ‘hubris’ as an important consideration of reflexive...

An overview of interpretive phenomenology as a research methodology

Aim To provide an overview of interpretive phenomenology.


Understanding the processes of writing papers reflectively

Aim This paper explores the writing of research papers using reflective frameworks...

Is reflexivity the key to minimising problems of interpretation in phenomenological...

Aim To discuss and demonstrate the use of reflexivity in interpretive...

Preparing and conducting interviews to collect data

Aim To describe three styles of interviews and discuss issues regarding planning...

Nurse-led trials of medical devices: general principles and good practice

Aim To provide an overview of governance issues relating to medical-device trials...

Randomised controlled trials: an introduction for nurse researchers

Aim To present an overview of the main components of randomised controlled trials...

Capturing clinician-client interaction: development of the 4D&4R observational tool

Implications for practice

Aim To report on the development of an observation tool...

The obser-view: a method of generating data and learning

Aim To introduce the ‘obser-view’ qualitative research method and to show how obser...

The internet as a medium for health services research. Part 2

Aim To enable readers to make an informed decision about whether online research...
