
Small figures walking up a slope with a large image of an open hand supporting them

Why the shortage of nurse academics is so important to all nurses

The expertise and experience of academics is vital to support workforce capacity

Illustration showing a research supervisor giving feedback to a nurse researcher who is taking notes

What makes a good supervisor?

Research supervisors can make a huge contribution to boost student confidence and performance

In scientific journals critical appraisal of submitted papers is a key part of publication and peer reviewers help to identify flaws and strengths in a paper

What is the role of peer reviewers and how do I become one?

Critical appraisal of papers is a key part of publication in journals like Nurse Researcher

Writing for publication

When writing for publication have a clear message and share new ideas and knowledge

Ask if your paper adds to current knowledge and what can someone take away from it


Why it is vital to ensure the spotlight is put on nursing’s contribution in research

The significant value nurses’ can bring to research is in danger of being overlooked


What have nurse researchers learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Elizabeth Halcomb looks at some of the key lessons and initiatives


Finding the best mentor fit is vital for progressing your career

Budding nurse researchers and clinical nurses will blossom with the right mentor

Strategic plan for nurse research is a good foundation

Commitment and resourcing by policy-makers and government is essential to plan’s success

Peer review: how to do it well

Tips for peer reviewers to ensure they can influence what is published

Writing research

Tips for planning a paper for publication

Nurse Researcher is keen to encourage prospective authors to write and share their knowledge

Writing logo

Strategies for becoming a successful writer

Many experience writing challenges, but there are techniques and strategies that can help you

Nursing research contributes to policy, education and practice, so shout about it

Nurse have a key role in ensuring the community understands the impact of nursing research


COVID-19: research students need support to tackle the uncertainties caused by pandemic

Doctoral candidates face an unclear future, not least in their capacity to complete projects

It is a changed world, but researchers need to be focused and value those around them

Nurse researchers should celebrate the value that research has in guiding healthcare practice

How you can help other researchers to expand their thinking

Why not take the extra step of publishing work about your methodology or research methods

UK nurse research training programmes prove to be a hot topic at RCN conference

An international conference offered the chance for nurse researchers worldwide to share...

A medal that shows how far nurse research has come

Nurses should seek opportunities to showcase the quality work being done by nurse...

Successful researchers rarely tend to work in isolation

Liz Halcomb on the attibutes of good researchers and the value of teamwork
