
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

‘Bring back £1 billion a year in nurse education funding’

RCN campaign urges students to lobby their MPs over post-bursary hardship

‘NHS pay rise should be enjoyed by independent sector and GP nurses too’

Nurses outside the health service but providing its services could be missing out

Charity says urgent investment is needed to curb fall in district nurse numbers

Report from Queen’s Nursing Institute warns that the safety of patients is being jeopardised

Children and young people’s mental health nursing faces a perfect storm, MPs hear

Cuts in education, CPD and school nursing are hampering services, says RCN

Prostate cancer: a nurse’s quest to discover black men’s unmet care needs

Mary Seacole Awards winner will research the care experience of black men

NHS violence reduction strategy aims to protect staff from assaults at work

More than 15% of health service employees experienced violence in the past year

Candidates announced for forthcoming RCN council elections

Postal ballot opens on 21 November

Leadership programme aims to enhance nurse research and innovation

Senior nurses and midwives can apply to improve their professions’ influence

Exhibition explores a century of nursing during epidemics

Pandemic! Nursing 100 years of infection exhibition traces the evolution of nurses' roles

‘Nurses can help prevent hundreds of premature diabetes-related deaths each week’

Diabetes UK says nurses are key to helping people manage the condition and complications

The Budget: mental health services to get an extra £2 billion

Government goal for mental health will hinge on nurse recruitment and retention, cautions RCN

Unions want NHS trusts to jettison any plans to set up private subsidiaries

Wholly-owned NHS subsidiary companies harm staff's pay and conditions, unions claim

‘BAME staff will be properly represented at the top of the NHS by 2028’

Health minister says senior managers in the NHS must reflect the diversity of the workforce

RCN demands urgent action from government to reduce air pollution

New report reveals many NHS health centres are in areas with unsafe levels of air pollution

RCN lead pay negotiator the latest senior figure to leave college after NHS pay deal row

Josie Irwin to take up a national role at Unison after a quarter of a century at the RCN

Sepsis data tool could improve care and patient outcomes, says nurse expert

The SOS Insights Dashboard builds a picture of cases at local, regional and national level

Trusts need to spend £1 billion on urgent ‘high risk’ repairs

Figures reveal record-high buildings and equipment maintenance backlog in England

