
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Consensus opinion on compression therapy and venous ulcers

Venous leg ulcers cause significant problems for patients and can have a serious effect on...

How venous leg ulcers affect quality of life

The aim of this article is to explore the evidence surrounding the effect of venous leg...

Learning outcomes from an end of life care training programme

The Quality End of Life Care for All (QELCA©) programme was designed by St Christopher’s...

Assessing sexual health risk for young black and minority ethnic people

The objective of this study was to develop a sexual health risk assessment that would...

Stratified follow-up care for people with prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK ( Office for National Statistics...

Long-term conditions in older adults using primary care services

Older adults are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with long-term conditions than those in...

Granulated sugar treatment for leg ulcers: a case report

The use of sugar in the treatment of wounds dates back to Ancient Egypt. This article begins...

Antimicrobial resistance: a growing crisis

Infectious diseases account for a substantial proportion of deaths worldwide. Much of the...

Developing resilience to tackle health and social inequalities

Resilience has become a popular way to promote health and wellbeing, not just among patients...

Risk of acute kidney injury in people with heart failure

Heart failure is a complex chronic medical condition that has a significant impact on life...

How district nurses can influence organisational effectiveness in the community

With the government continuing to focus on improving the patient experience and moving care...

Lived experiences of fibromyalgia

This phenomenological study explored the lived experience of people diagnosed with...

Shifting care from hospital to home: a qualitative study

A study was undertaken to understand how primary healthcare professionals and hospital...

End of life care planning in community hospitals

The implementation of a palliative and supportive care plan across community hospitals in...

Self-management plans for people with deteriorating asthma

Self-management plans (SMPs) focus on the early recognition of unstable or deteriorating...

Advanced preparation of insulin syringes for adults with diabetes

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has launched an updated edition of its UK guidance for...

Implementing a nurse-led community intravenous antibiotic service

At its inception in 2011 the @home community intravenous (IV) service used available staff...

Mothers’ voices: results of a survey of public health nurse-led breastfeeding support...

Research reporting that mothers are dissatisfied with support for breastfeeding in the...

