
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.


COVID-19: public applaud NHS staff once more

Clapping from doorsteps, windows and balconies across the UK

COVID-19: government issues new PPE guidance for healthcare staff

Guidelines come as nurse unions continue to raise concerns about lack of protective equipment

COVID-19: not a ‘mental health crisis’, healthcare experts warn

Anxiety and depression during pandemic are features of ‘mental wellness, not mental illness’

COVID-19: RCN demands action over ‘unconscionable’ lack of PPE

Reports some front-line nurses have been told to cope without PPE when supplies run low

Nurses in England receive final annual pay rise in line with 2018 three-year deal

1.7% pay rise a 'little bit of cheer' during COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19: struggling nurses need psychological support, says charity

Suicide prevention charity calls for dedicated helpline for healthcare staff

COVID-19: home care providers resort to crowdfunding to buy PPE for staff

Nurses in all settings still waiting on personal protective equipment, says RCN

Nursing and Midwifery Council clarifies its position on nurses who do not start CPR

NMC has reiterated its support for current guidance following recent FtP cases

COVID-19: online support and practical guidance offered to mental health service users

Pandemic ‘puts a huge burden on mental health services’, says RCN mental health lead...

COVID-19: your daily briefing

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic, including news and advice for healthcare staff

COVID-19: nurses offered alternative housing to safeguard loved ones

Some front-line staff are making the difficult decision to move out during the crisis

COVID-19: your daily briefing

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic, including news and advice for healthcare staff

COVID-19: UK public applaud NHS staff – while landmarks turn blue

Joint events staged because ‘they need to know we are grateful’

COVID-19: your daily briefing

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic, including news and advice for healthcare staff

COVID-19: rules tightened on PPE for CPR

Nurses must wear ‘aerosol’ type protection if trying to resuscitate people with coronavirus

COVID-19: students receive clarity on option to see out studies on placements

NMC approves measures for nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19: your daily briefing

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic, including news and advice for healthcare staff

COVID-19: your daily briefing

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic, including news and advice for healthcare staff

