Evidence and Practice

Reviewing pharmacological interventions for people with borderline personality disorder
Assessing the physical health of service users with severe mental illness
Exploring the mental health challenges and support needs of nursing students
Study investigating students’ mental health and well-being at a university in England
Reviewing pharmacological interventions for people with borderline personality disorder
Commentary on a Cochrane review of pharmacological interventions for people with BPD
Role of forgiveness in supporting spiritual well-being among patients and nurses
Addressing unresolved feelings about hurtful situations could help nurses avoid burnout
Benefits and challenges of implementing the professional nurse advocate programme
Service evaluation of the PNA programme at a mental health and learning disability NHS trust
Using practice development to recruit and retain forensic mental health nurses
A preceptorship project used practice development to engage with students and newly registered nurses
CPD articles
Assessing the physical health of service users with severe mental illness
How mental health nurses can address inequalities to improve service users’ physical health
Changing health behaviours with the transtheoretical model and motivational interviewing
How nurses can use these approaches to support clients to make positive changes in health behaviour
Monitoring the use of antidepressants: the role of mental health nurses
An update on principles of practice for antidepressants amid a changing discourse on risks and benefits
Preventing diagnostic overshadowing in people with severe mental illness
How nurses can improve physical health outcomes for this patient group
Practice question
What biopsychosocial risks should mental health professionals consider in dementia care?
Proactive identification of risk enables a more holistic approach and promotes autonomy
Why is metabolic risk monitoring important in women with postpartum psychosis?
Postpartum psychosis poses challenges regarding medicine side effects and long-term health
What is the therapeutic relationship in mental health practice?
A therapeutic relationship between nurse and service user is vital for good outcomes
Mental illness: why is cardiometabolic risk monitoring important?
Tips for nurses on monitoring cardiometabolic risk in people taking antipsychotic medications
Severe mental illness: why is physical health monitoring so vital?
Physical health monitoring helps nurses identify key risk factors in service users
The relevance of practitioners providing trauma-informed care for rough sleepers
The symptoms of PTSD for rough sleepers and adopting a trauma-informed approach to care