
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Your right to strike: Lords move to block power to sack nurses who join picket lines

Peers vote to water down ‘dictatorial’ law that would curb your scope to go on strike

Nurses’ strikes cut short after Barclay wins court challenge

RCN must end this weekend’s strikes a day early as judge rules union exceeded its mandate

FtP: now registrants can request removal from the register before investigation ends

NMC changes rules in bid to cut its backlog of cases, and reduce nurses’ distress

Make exemptions to nurses’ strike – or risk lives, NHS leaders warn

NHS Confederation says care for patients in life-critical situations will be compromised

Lucy Letby sent ‘kind words’ in sympathy card when unable to attend Child I’s funeral

Nurse photographed the card she sent to parents of Child I, who she is accused of killing

Alone with the patients: dangerous staffing ratios ‘normal’ say nurses

Many nurses are often left alone caring for over 20 patients, far exceeding safe ratios

Bodycams: a welcome protection from workplace harassment, or an ethical minefield?

Healthcare leaders in talks about giving nurses body-worn cameras to deter assaults

Nurses to face court battle over right to strike on 2 May

‘A last-ditch attempt to silence us’: RCN slams Steve Barclay’s ‘indefensible’ decision

Many nurses still face unsafe parking and journeys to work

Union cites dimly lit car parks, long walks to public transport at night, and parking fees

Nurses’ leader defiant over threat to declare next weekend's strikes illegal

Pat Cullen rejects 'bullying' by ministers and insists ‘We won’t be gagged’

Burns nurse advises Coronation Street on acid attack storyline

Paul Blakemore worked with production crew to ensure scenes were ‘as authentic as possible’

‘Best and final offer’: nurses in Wales set to vote on 5% pay package

The deal includes one-off ‘recovery’ payment and an enhanced rise for staff on lower bands

NHS attempts to block nurses’ plans to strike in early May

RCN says it will fight legal challenge and defends the validity of the strike dates

NHS's only nurses with no pay offer 'are being left to sink'

With no revised offer or funds for a rise, Northern Ireland nurses may be forced to strike

10,000+ Keralan nurses recruited from India help address NHS staffing crisis

A Keralan nurse recruited the nurses after campaigning for more realistic language tests

Nurse removed part of man’s nipple in bizarre body modification case

Nurse also admits stealing anaesthetic from the hospital where he worked

Single nurse left alone to care for 17 patients with complex needs amid staffing crisis

Damning report cites unsafe staffing at Midlands hospital and warns trust it must improve

Band 5 nurses are ‘flung in’ to do specialist tasks above their pay level

Thousands of band 5 nurses are denied a pay/band rise despite doing higher-level tasks

