
Two weeks to respond to NMC's future nurse plans

Time is ticking for nurses and nursing students to have their say on plans for an overhaul of the profession’s education standards.

Time is ticking for nurses and nursing students to have their say on plans for an overhaul of the profession’s education standards.

There is now less than two weeks to share views on NMC consultations. Picture: iStock

Hundreds of healthcare professionals, educators, patients and the public have already responded to the consultations from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

Less than two weeks are remaining for those who have not shared their views on the proposals to do so.

The consultations cover new pre-registration standards of education for nurses and a new framework for the delivery of nursing and midwifery education.

There are also proposals to withdraw standards for medicines management and prepare nurses and midwives to prescribe earlier in their careers.

Shaping the future

NMC chief executive Jackie Smith said: ‘Feedback has been extremely positive and people are excited by the ambition for the future nurse that comes through in the standards… there’s still plenty of time for people to get involved, share their views and help shape the future of nursing and midwifery education for the next generation.’

The NMC is holding events across the UK, webinars and Twitter chats to engage people with the plans.

The consultations on the standards of proficiency for registered nurses and the education framework closes on 12 September. The prescribing consultation closes on 14 September.

Take part in the consultations here

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