
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Union invites public to thank nurses for the job they do

Unison aims to highlight work of nurses and other public servants ahead of government...

Healthcare assistants being used as 'nurses on the cheap', says new report

NHS healthcare assistants (HCAs) are doing the jobs of nurses without the equivalent pay or...

Care homes still using antipsychotics to quieten dementia patients, study finds

Lack of staff could be the reason why too many UK care homes are still using a ‘chemical...

Brexit threatens future of 78,000 social care workers, report warns

Failure to recruit sufficient numbers of British-born care workers could leave older people...

Chief nurses say community nursing is key to healthier future across UK

Community nursing holds key to tackling health challenges and inequalities in UK populations

Senior nurses urged to apply for fellowship's 2017 intake...

Senior nurses are invited to apply for a programme aimed at improving nursing care for older...

Older people bearing brunt of social care cuts, report warns

Older people are bearing the brunt of cuts to social care, and an increasing numbers of care...

Lack of nurse access to CPD is affecting older people’s care

Study says care home staff are being poorly prepared by nursing undergraduate courses.

QNI announces £5,000 funding opportunity for men's health projects

Community and primary care nurses can apply for funding of up to £5,000 for projects which...

Patients need more help to self-manage diabetes, says CQC

Major diabetes review warns the NHS must do more to help patients self-manage their condition

Concerns over vacant nursing and midwifery posts in Scotland

The percentage of vacant nursing and midwifery posts in Scotland has risen by 16% in three...

Safe caseloads must be determined for district nursing, urges QNI

A new paper from nursing charity, the Queen's Nursing Institute, is being used to start...

Call for debate on future of nursing education

A new report from the Council of Deans of Health is calling for discussion on what new...

District nursing at ‘breaking point’

Overstretched district nursing services are functioning on nurses’ goodwill, says new report.

Low nurse numbers could increase hospitals’ use of restraint – study

US study shows proportion of nurses on wards influences use of restraint.

‘Green prescribing’ a good way to coax older people outdoors

Older people more likely to do outdoor activity if it’s recommended by a healthcare...

Heatwave warning for South and East of England

Community nurses should be prepared to help vulnerable patients in the heatwave predicted...

New film puts spotlight on dementia in BME community

A new film for nurses and other healthcare workers highlights rising cases of dementia in...

