
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Respiratory nurse named RCN in Wales Nurse of the Year

Cwm Taf University Health Board nurse recognised for early recognition and staff training...

Nurses and healthcare staff invited to apply to become NICE fellows or scholars

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is offering the chance for health and...

Commons health committee: Nursing workforce undervalued and not sufficiently recognised...

Nursing and Midwifery Council chief executive Jackie Smith says nurses leaving the...

'This is not what I came into nursing for'

RCN poll reveals one in four nurses are thinking of leaving jobs due to money worries

Fitness trackers to be trialled by NHS in drive to prevent diabetes

Digital technology 'a logical step' in type 2 diabetes prevention.

Brexit: Exodus of EU doctors from the NHS, according to BMA survey

BMA survey of 1,720 doctors from European Economic Area countries found main reasons for...

Teaching hospitals introduce interactive whiteboards

New touchscreen technology can be used to track medically fit patients who have not been...

EXCLUSIVE: Number of nurses leaving their posts on the increase due to stress, burnout...

The number of nurses and health visitors leaving trusts in England because of work-life...

RCN slams NHS Improvement's safe staffing resource for not being a 'binding...

NHS Improvement's draft resource on safe staffing in emergency care fails to recommend...

Norfolk trust leads the way in creating emergency department for older people

The NHS's first emergency department for older people is being set up to meet the needs of...

Public Health England deputy chief nurse honoured for work in nursing

Joanne Bosanquet has received an honorary doctorate in recognition of her 'distinction in...

Nurse academics to ask commuters if they are sitting comfortably

Results of new research into pressure ulcers are to be demonstrated at a Manchester train...

Schwartz rounds study

Rounds 'cut staff emotional distress by half'

End of life care delays are stopping inpatients from dying at home

Fast-track Continuing Healthcare framework is not fast enough.

Nurses’ hardship charity easily beats fundraising target

A charity that supports working and retired nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants who...

Community nursing leaders recognised at QNI awards

Nursing ‘icon’ Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, Public Health England deputy chief nurse Joanne...

Gap in nurses' knowledge of sickle cell disease 'unacceptable'...

Sickle cell disease not covered properly at undergraduate level, say nurse leaders.

Fall in nursing applicants 'linked to end of NHS bursary'...

Poor workforce planning causing instability across the NHS, report states.

