
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

'Nurse ambassadors' being recruited to boost profession's image...

Chief nurse in bid to improve reputation of nursing and midwifery as desirable careers.

RCN urges members to join ‘NHS in crisis’ rally

Organising groups for London march are calling for better funding and an end to all...

RCN surveys nurses’ views on organ donation consent

The RCN has launched a survey asking nurses for their views on consent for organ and tissue...

More than 17,000 younger nurses leave NHS, figures show

RCN says staff shortages, relentless pressure and poor pay forcing nurse leaders to quit.

Mandatory flu vaccinations for staff should be considered, says England's chief...

England's chief medical officer has added her voice to calls for a debate on whether flu...

Patient satisfaction and nurse staffing levels

Increasing nurse numbers could boost patient satisfaction with quality of care

Winter pressures: Underfunding means staff under ‘intolerable pressure’, NHS Providers...

NHS Providers’ chief executive Chris Hopson outlines ‘fragility’ of the wider health service...

Government to blame for hospitals' situations, winter pressure poll respondents...

Almost one in ten people have been affected by severe winter pressures in the NHS, new...

Trust's safety plan proving successful, figures reveal...

Nurses have helped reduce patient falls by 30% per week through a safety plan initiative

Housing crisis: Public land ‘flogged off to developers’ and unaffordable for nurses...

Four out of five homes built by private developers on former NHS land will cost more than...

Hunt stays as health secretary, with added remit of social care

Jeremy Hunt now also has responsibility for social care

Flu vaccinations: should they become mandatory?

Debate on mandatory vaccinations ‘inevitable’, says NHS England medical director

Anne Milton tipped to take over as health secretary

Anne Milton, a trained nurse could be the next health minister in Theresa May's cabinet...

Greater delegation needed to improve older people's care, study finds...

Older people’s care can be ‘significantly’ improved across England through better...

RCN raises workforce concerns in Northern Ireland after volunteers supported patients...

St John Ambulance volunteers were 'supporting patients, making tea and keeping them company'

Nursing Standard straw poll reveals 90% of respondents believe winter pressures are...

Nurses have demanded the prime minister and health secretary join them on the front line...

Former RCN council chair urges caution on industrial action over pay

Now is not the time to call a ballot over pay, the outgoing RCN council chair has told...

NHS pressures

Thousands of pre-planned operations and appointments delayed

