James Buchan

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Alarming decline in district nurses driven by lack of funding 

The number of district nurses has fallen by almost 50% over the past seven years. With their skill set more in demand than ever as people are living longer with long-term conditions, this appears to fly in the face of logic, says workforce expert James Buchan

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Unpaid volunteers an attractive option for NHS, but need training

Policy attention is increasingly focusing on the contribution of volunteers to help expand the NHS workforce. But like all health service employees they must be trained to be part of the team, says workforce expert James Buchan

Nursing Standard

Workforce: What do the UCAS figures tell us about new entrants to nurse education? 

The end of year report from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service shows a crash in the number of mature entrants but suggests nurse education can help with social inclusion, says workforce expert James Buchan

care bot
Nursing Standard

Workforce: Robots may take other jobs, but they can’t do what a nurse can do

Care bots – robots that assist older people – are being used in Japan, and researchers in the US are looking to create robotic nurse assistants. The good news for registered nurses is that they are unlikely to be replaced by technology just yet, says workforce expert James Buchan

Nursing Standard

Workforce: UK is looking less united in terms of nursing policy

The fact that the new nursing associate role is only being considered in England adds to the divergence of nursing policy across the four countries of the UK, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Lessons for NHS in Ryanair pilot crisis

When the supply of pilots fell short of demand, Ryanair cancelled flights. But the NHS has limited scope to manage demand during winter, leaving little room for manoeuvre should there be a major flu outbreak, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Medical students do well, but nursing may pay the price

Plans by the Department of Health to increase the number of medical student places have cost implications for nursing, because other NHS programmes will receive less if no new money is found, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: No easy way forward on pay even if cap is scrapped

The Scottish Government says it will scrap the 1% public sector pay cap next year, and there is speculation England may follow suit. But even if a decision is made to remove the cap, questions remain about how that will be achieved, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Nursing vacancies in England and Scotland at record levels

Although the data should be treated with caution, the message is clear: both sides of the England-Scotland border are reporting the highest ever number of nursing vacancies, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Staff retention is biggest challenge in tackling workforce shortages

With nurse turnover having huge financial implications for employers, it is little wonder nurse retention is now a major objective for both Health Education England and NHS Improvement, says workforce expert James Buchan.

James Buchan
Nursing Standard

Workforce: NHS homes fund would give staff a glimmer of hope

NHS Confederation proposal for a £10 billion housing fund for workers shows creativity in supporting NHS staff, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: agency nurses may be expensive but unfilled posts risk patient safety

With NHS Improvement halting new rules to cut spending on agency nurses, there may be little scope left to make further savings on temporary staff. But nursing shortages mean the NHS still needs them, says workforce expert James Buchan.

nursing shortage buchan
Nursing Standard

James Buchan: Nursing workforce crisis is self-inflicted

The nursing shortage is about more than Brexit. UK governments, regulators and educators have all helped create the conditions for a crisis.

age of uncertainty
Nursing Standard

James Buchan: Age of uncertainty and the need for foreign nurses

Lack of clarity on our EU exit terms, combined with scrapping of the student bursary, means no one knows how dependent the UK will be on foreign nurses.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: widening the gap between Scotland and England

Increasing policy divergence between NHS Scotland and NHS England is making it harder to sustain a UK-wide perspective on the NHS nursing workforce, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: what is the attraction of Magnet hospitals?

With the emphasis on strong nurse leadership, continuing education and adequate staffing levels, Magnet accreditation is highly relevant to current NHS priorities, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: What do the 2016 NHS staff survey results really tell us?

Much is made about signs of stability and improvement, but the most important messages for policy makers can often be found in the less positive findings, says workforce expert James Buchan.

Nursing Standard

Workforce: Brexit is not the only factor in the downward trend of EU nurse applicants

Brexit may be playing its part, but new entry requirements for the UK register are also impacting the inflow of EU nurses, says workforce expert James Buchan.
