CPD articles
Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.
Managing Parkinson’s disease in long-term care
Parkinson’s disease affects one in every 100 people over the age of 60 and one in ten...
01 Dec 2002
Older people with confusion: capacity to consent and the administration of medicines
The author examines capacity, consent and other key issues in relation to the administration...
01 Nov 2002
The nursing management of pain in older people
Effective pain management requires a combination of complex nursing skills, particularly so...
01 Oct 2002
heart failure and older people
The future care of older patients with heart failure probably lies within specialist teams...
01 Sep 2002
Resuscitation decision making and older people
Public expectations of the success of resuscitation have been raised in recent years....
01 Jul 2002
Epilepsy and services for older people
Although epilepsy can occur at any age, almost a quarter of people affected are over 60...
01 Jun 2002
Eating difficulty in older people with dementia
Difficulty with feeding is a common problem among people with dementia and may pose ethical...
01 May 2002
nutrition and the older adult
The importance of ensuring adequate nutrition in older people is often acknowledged but, the...
01 Apr 2002
Caring for older people who have a hearing disability
Hearing disability in older people is the cause of much distress and can result in the...
01 Feb 2002
continence: an update on policy priorities and practice implications in primary care
Recent national policies have created new frameworks and guidance on the assessment and...
01 Dec 2001
Side rails as physical restraints: the need for appropriate assessment
Side rails are commonly used in the care of the older person. They can be classified as a...
01 Oct 2001
Working with older people from minority ethnic groups
Living in a multi-cultural community means nurses in all specialties must have an...
01 Jul 2001
Rehabilitation in nursing homes
Rehabilitation is a key concept in the government’s plans to modernise the NHS. Its aim is...
01 Jun 2001
Restraint: its use and misuse in brief the care of older people
Restraint is an emotive issue, with legal and ethical dimensions, as well as psychological...
01 May 2001
Care for dying people in nursing homes
Nurses who are confident in their own skills but who know where to draw upon specialist help...
01 Apr 2001
The care of older people with a delirium in acute care settings
This article suggests that nurses should play a major part in the screening, assessment and...
01 Mar 2001
Influenza vaccination
Nurses have an important part to play in dispelling myths about influenza vaccination and in...
01 Dec 2000
Living environments and older people
The influence of care environments on patients has long been a fundamental concern for...
01 Nov 2000