nursing associates

Nursing associates and assistant practitioners: let’s end the needless rivalry

These nurse support roles are similar but different, and deserve equal respect

Can nursing associates solve our staffing crisis?

Learning disability nurses have disappeared from the register at an alarming rate

Are nursing associates a benefit to the learning disability sector?

HEE’s £2 million recruitment drive will include 150 places for the recently created role

Trainee nursing associate performs life-saving CPR on driver

Royal Shrewsbury Hospital’s Jade Myatt stopped to help the man following a car crash

An apprenticeship has helped restart my nursing career

Michelle Simpson had to give up her degree course but is now able to earn as she learns

Your guide to all the routes into nursing

Our interactive graphic shows the path for nursing apprentices, associates and degree options

Nursing associates: more than 1,000 now registered with NMC

Health Education England hails the ‘significant milestone’ that ‘strengthens patient care’

Why the skills of assistant practitioners and nursing associates could bridge the gap

Assistant practitioners and nursing associates can help relieve pressure on busy nurses

Assistant practitioners are being ‘overlooked and pushed to one side’

Some feel the introduction of nursing associates threatens their role

Focus on nursing associates and you’ll miss the big picture

Knee-jerk reaction to nurse shortages is not a solution, says Dame Jill Macleod Clark

How nursing associates aim to add value to older people's care

The nursing associate role presents a new career pathway for Claire Stott and Laura Simmons

Workforce: Nursing associate role will thrive

The new position is coolly regarded by some, but workforce demands mean its success is likely

Nursing associates: how employers can make the most of the new role

Workforce decisions need to be made about how nursing associates fit into the wider...

Nursing associate numbers on target so far, despite concerns about low uptake

Government now faces challenge of achieving its ambitions for 2019 cohort

As the first nursing associates get ready to register, we ask what their impact will be

The first cohort is about to join the rest of the nurse workforce in England

New guidance focuses on how to safely deploy nursing associates

Resource published ahead of new staff joining register at end of January

First wave of qualified nursing associates expected to fall far short of target number

Uptake of training programmes has been lower than ministers predicted

Is it time to resist the idea support staff are part of the nurse shortage solution?

Nursing Standard readers have their say on the impact of diluting the skill mix
