Clare Lomas

Nursing Standard

Is loneliness a predictor for Alzheimer’s disease?

Lonely people have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease because they have high levels of the protein amyloid in the brain, suggest researchers in the US.

non lump cancer
Nursing Standard

Women with ‘non-lump’ breast cancer symptoms delay seeking treatment

Around 1 in 6 women diagnosed with breast cancer go to their doctor with a symptom other...

Nursing Standard

Significant adult weight gain can increase cancer risk

Substantial weight gain over many years significantly increases the risk of obesity-related cancers, say researchers from the University of Manchester and The Health eResearch Centre.

Nursing Standard

Parents who lack social confidence have shy babies

Babies whose parents feel uncomfortable in social situations are less interested in other people, new research suggests.

Skill mix
Nursing Standard

Diluting hospital nursing skill mix ‘not in the public interest’

Policies should be treated with caution because the consequences can be life threatening for patients, say researchers.

total hip replacement
Nursing Standard

No evidence that hip replacement surgery increases physical activity

The purpose of hip replacement surgery has been called into question, after researchers from...

hip fracture
Nursing Standard

Benzodiazepine use increases risk of hip fracture in people with Alzheimer’s disease

The use of benzodiazepines and related drugs increases the risk of hip fracture by 43% in people with Alzheimer’s disease, say researchers from the University of Eastern Finland.

Nursing Standard

Young people with chronic liver conditions at increased risk of anxiety and depression

Researchers from King’s College London have called for a greater focus on the mental health...

obese woman
Nursing Standard

Obese women with diabetes should replace diet drinks with water to lose weight

Overweight and obese women with type 2 diabetes should replace diet beverages with water if...

Nursing Standard

Ultrasound after tibial fracture does not speed up healing

Receiving ultrasound after surgery to repair a fractured tibia does not accelerate healing...

Nursing Standard

Majority of stillbirth cases remain unexplained

In the majority of stillbirth cases the cause remains unknown despite a full post-mortem...

Nursing Standard

Hand-held respiratory training device improves physical activity in obese people

Obese people too breathless to become physically active could benefit from daily breathing...

Nursing Standard

Parental absence linked to smoking and drinking in children

Children with an absent parent as a result of death or relationship breakdown are more...

Nursing Standard

Fathers who embrace parenthood less likely to have pre-teens with behavioural issues

Children whose dads adjust well to parenthood and feel confident in their new role are less likely to have behavioural problems in their pre-teen years, new study results suggest.

Nursing Standard

Don’t expect nurses to be role models for healthy behaviours

Expecting nurses to be role models for healthy behaviours is unrealistic, unhelpful and...

Nursing Standard

Women in deprived areas have increased risk of coronary heart disease

Women living in more deprived areas of the UK and with lower levels of education have a...

Nursing Standard

Parent-led early intervention in autism can reduce symptom severity

An early intervention in autism aimed at helping parents communicate with their child can...

Nursing Standard

Depression can shorten lung cancer survival rates

Worsening depression symptoms are associated with shorter survival rates for patients with...
