Clare Lomas

Blood test
Nursing Standard

‘Screen and treat’ unlikely to have major impact in preventing type 2 diabetes

Policies to ‘screen and treat’ people to prevent type 2 diabetes are unlikely to have a substantial impact on the growing diabetes epidemic, say researchers from the University of Oxford.

Nursing Standard

Eating a lot of processed meat linked to worsening asthma symptoms

A high dietary intake of cured and processed meats is linked to worsening asthma symptoms, with four or more weekly servings having the greatest impact, new research suggests.

Nursing Standard

Mediterranean diet could slow shrinking of the brain

Older people who follow a Mediterranean diet retain more brain volume than those who do not follow the diet as closely, new study results suggest.

Nursing Standard

Drinking down the ‘local’ linked to improved well-being

Moderate alcohol consumption with friends at a local pub could be linked to improved well-being, say researchers at the University of Oxford.

Nursing Standard

More than half of women in Brazil avoiding pregnancy due to Zika virus

Experts have called for a review of the criminalisation of abortion and better access to contraception for women in Brazil after research revealed more than 50% are avoiding getting pregnant because of the Zika virus.

Nursing Standard

Additional MRI scan can aid accurate diagnosis of foetal abnormalities

Women whose mid-pregnancy ultrasound scans show a potential foetal abnormality should be given an additional MRI scan, say researchers from the University of Sheffield.

Nursing Standard

Enjoyment in older age linked to longer life

Sustained enjoyment of life over several years in older age is associated with lower mortality, and the longer a person reports enjoying life, the lower their risk of death, say researchers from University College London.

Nursing Standard

Lowering body temperature improves outcomes in adults with traumatic brain injury

Lowering the body temperature of adults who experience a traumatic brain injury can significantly improve chances of survival, new study results suggest.

Nursing Standard

Blood test can predict risk of heart attack and death

A high-sensitivity blood test, known as a troponin test, could predict the risk of heart attack and death and patients’ response to statins, say researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Nursing Standard

Cognitive therapy effective for children and adolescents with PTSD

Cognitive therapy can be an effective treatment for children and adolescents with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), new study results suggest.

Nursing Standard

Psychotropic drug use increases risk of falls in nursing home residents

The prescription of psychotropic drugs is associated with a strongly increased risk of falling among nursing home residents, say researchers in the Netherlands.

Nursing Standard

Take up tennis if you want to live longer

Racquet sports, swimming and aerobics are associated with the best chance of staving off death, new study results suggest.

Nursing Standard

Female students more likely to have suicidal thoughts than males

Interventions aimed at preventing suicide among students should be designed separately for males and females, say UK researchers who studied more than 1,000 university students.

Nursing Standard

Find your ideal role with RCN Jobs Fairs

Whether you are newly qualified or an experienced nurse looking for a change of direction, RCN Bulletin Jobs Fairs are a great way to explore a wide range of new career opportunities.

Nursing Standard

Women in Catholic countries less likely to breastfeed

Women living in developed Western nations with strong Catholic heritage are less likely to breastfeed that those in countries where Protestantism is predominant, new study results suggest

Nursing Standard

Social isolation linked to higher recurrence and mortality rates in women with breast cancer

Women with breast cancer who are more socially isolated have higher rates of recurrence and mortality than women with larger social networks, new study results suggest.
