
How to cope with the emotional strain of being a nurse

Our podcast explores the distress of caring for seriously ill and dying patients, and managing vulnerability and well-being amid the pressures faced by healthcare services and staff

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How do you cope with the emotional strain of being a nurse?

The latest episode of the Nursing Standard podcast explores the distress of caring for seriously ill and dying patients.

Managing vulnerability at work

Our podcast guests, Alice Nugent, a psychotherapist at Dublin Business School, and Agnes Higgins, professor of mental health in the school of nursing and midwifery at Trinity College Dublin, explain the findings of research, published in Nursing Children and Young People, on nurses’ experiences of managing vulnerability when working with seriously ill children.


Strain on services, staff shortages and the legacy of the pandemic

They speak to Nursing Children and Young People editor Christine Walker about the pressures faced by all nurses, including those working with adults, at a time of immense strain on healthcare services, increasingly complex care, acute staff shortages and the COVID-19 pandemic.

They also offer on advice on maintaining well-being, and avoiding burnout and compassion fatigue.

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