Abby Morrow-Barnes


Reflective account – In-hospital resuscitation

A CPD article improved Abby Morrow-Barnes’ knowledge of how to recognise and respond to adults in cardiac arrest.

Chest examination

Pulmonary oedema

This informative CPD article on acute pulmonary oedema has improved my knowledge of the condition.

Intravenous therapy

Providing intravenous therapy for older people is associated with challenges, because of comorbidities and age-related changes to the skin and veins.


I have looked after patients with ascites and those who have had large-volume paracentesis. This article has increased my understanding of ascites and helped to improve my nursing care.

Acute confusion

Acute confusion, an acute cognitive impairment associated with severe illness, is often termed delirium. Delirium seldom resolves steadily but goes through cycles of improving and then worsening.

Temperature monitoring

Normal human body temperature is between 36°C and 37.5°C, and is maintained by continuous physiological mechanisms that balance heat production, gain and loss. People in good health maintain a constant body temperature despite environmental variation.