
Eating disorders resource collection

To mark Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we have brought together a selection of resources from across our journals for you to read to keep your practice up to date

This week – 26 February to 4 March – is Eating Disorders Awareness Week, an initiative that focuses on fighting the myths and misunderstandings that surround eating disorders. 

Eating disorders
Picture: iStock

RCNi has a wide range of resources available to help nurses support patients with eating disorders back to health. To show our support for the awareness initiative, we have gathered together a selection of our features, comment and peer-reviewed clinical articles from Nursing Standard and specialist journals Mental Health Practice and Primary Health Care for you to read.

What you can do

Help raise awareness of eating disorders by reading the content in this resource collection and sharing it on social media using the weblink rcni.com/eating-disorders


Eating disorder
Picture: iStock

Eating disorder services need to change, nursing experts warn

Nurse leaders have vowed to tackle problems with eating disorder services in England, including inadequate care planning, assessment and coordination, in the wake of a damning report from the health service ombudsman.

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Evidence & practice

Carers’ experiences of caring for a loved one with an eating disorder

Picture: iStock

Carers of people with an eating disorder describe feelings of stress, anxiety, isolation and hopelessness. Family-centred care approaches commonly seen in children and adolescent services could be adopted in mental health services so that carers can be involved in the care of their loved ones.

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Recognition and management of eating disorders in children and young people

Picture: iStock

This article provides nurses working in various settings with evidence-based strategies to identify, manage and refer children and young people with eating disorders. It explores what eating disorders are, and their association with physical and psychiatric co-morbidities.

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Diabulimia: how eating disorders can affect adolescents with diabetes

Picture: iStock

Adherence to self-management and medication regimens is required to achieve optimal blood glucose control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This article explores the concept of diabulimia and the compounding complications of an eating disorder on maintaining self-management regimens in adolescents with diabetes.

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Eating disorders and artificial re-feeding

Picture: Alamy

This article is a literature review into the efficiency of artificial re-feeding in eating disordered patients. The purpose of this literature review is to determine if patients with eating disorders benefit from artificial re-feeding, and what the ethical and psychological dimensions of this voluntary treatment are.

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Treating men with eating disorders in the NHS

Eating disorders in men
Picture: Getty Images

Eating disorders are becoming increasingly common in men and can affect men at any age. However, research in this area remains scarce. This article explores the experiences of this group of men and considers whether they have differing care needs to those of women, and the potential implications of this for practice.

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Picture: Apex

My eating disorder specialist nurse helped me believe I deserved life

Aspiring nurse Hannah nominated eating disorder specialist nurse Sarah Moody for the Patients' Choice category of the 2017 RCNi Nurse Awards. As she graduates, Hannah hopes she will make half the difference to her patients that Sarah has made to her.

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Picture: Alamy

Young people with eating disorders – the slow road to recovery

Supporting troubled teenagers back to health from the fragile world of eating disorders makes unique demands on nurses, but is richly rewarding. Catharine Sadler reports.

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Picture: Tim George

Programme launched to speed up anorexia recovery times

A pioneering nurse-led eating disorders service and anorexia day programme in Lincolnshire is bringing people together to overcome the illness, reports Julie Penfold.

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Eating disorder
Picture: iStock

Tackling transition will improve the recovery of young people with eating disorders

Research nurse Sarah J Taylor, together with UK eating disorder charity Beat and the Burdett Trust, has produced a free training package to help nurse support young people with an eating disorder.

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How mental health nurses helped Nina Martynchyk find her way

Former anorexia patient Nina Martynchyk explains how her life changed, thanks to help from nurses.

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