Vari Drennan

School nurse
Primary Health Care

NHS Scotland initiative proposes nine care pathways for school nurses

Initiatives intended to help improve children’s health and well-being

Primary Health Care

Meningitis: low uptake of MenACWY vaccine by school leavers in London scrutinised

Study suggests catch-up immunisation programme for 18-20 year olds needed

Gout tophus on the finger
Primary Health Care

Nurse-led gout management improves patient-centred outcomes

Study finds people with significantly lower flare-up rates in managed intervention group

Learning from an early pilot of the Dutch Buurtzorg model of district nursing in England
Primary Health Care

Learning from an early pilot of the Dutch Buurtzorg model of district nursing in England

A central London NHS trust piloted an adapted Buurtzorg model Neighbourhood Nursing team to test and learn how the model might work. Buurtzorg means neighbourhood care in English. It is a nurse-led model set up in the Netherlands in 2006 to promote integrated health and social care. An evaluation of the early pilot was undertaken between January and July 2017. The pilot began in November 2016. The evaluation included interviewing patients and relatives, GPs, other practitioners and managers; analysing documents and anonymised patient records as well as observing and interviewing neighbourhood nurses and district nurses. The pertinent findings of this early work are outlined here.

Primary Health Care

D6 shows scant effect in diabetes care

D6 training for nurses of type 2 diabetes patients showed scant improvement glycaemic control

Primary Health Care

Indicators of care improved by 3D reviews

Reviews using a 3D approach did not improve their quality of life but gave better indicators...

Primary Health Care

Nurses as good as doctors in providing primary care

Nurses substituting for doctors in primary care achieve results that are as good or better

Primary Health Care

Good practice guidelines aim to show quality in home nursing care

Three-phase mixed methods study in England identifies ways to measure community nursing

Primary Health Care

English ‘Buurtzorg’ pilot impresses patients and nurses

A Dutch case study investigates the feasibility of easing the district nurse workload

Primary Health Care

School nurses and health visitors need training on sexting

Qualitive study looks at nursing ability to deal with consequences of sexting in young people

Primary Health Care

Practice workloads increase more than 10%, e-consultation finds

Trialling the use of online consultation systems in monitoring and improving general practice workloads

Primary Health Care

Controlled trials look at intervention use for people living with dementia at home

Understanding the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in people living at home

Primary Health Care

Study analyses financial burden contributing to low rates of breastfeeding

Assessing the financial incentive for higher numbers of breastfeeding, in a bid to improve mother and baby health

Primary Health Care

Relevance of epilepsy training in intellectual disability nursing

Controlled trial analyses nurses' competency to support adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability

Primary Health Care

First evidence that prescribing arts schemes can benefit patients

Seven year study analyses the use of prescribing art schemes in south west England.

Primary Health Care

Vision screening for all older people not recommended

Systematic review investigated effective use of population screening for visual impairment

Flu vaccine
Primary Health Care

Flu vaccination: the rate of uptake during pregnancy in England

Exploring the role that health professionals play in the dissemination of information about the flu jab to mothers and pregnant women in England

Unhappy with GP
Primary Health Care

General Practice Patient Survey: the effects of ED attendance on primary healthcare

Addressing patient experience of general practice and policies to improve access in primary care
