Alistair Kleebauer

Nursing Children and Young People

Training of community teams providing respiratory support for infants 'inadequate'

The training of community teams caring for children needing respiratory support in their own...

Nursing Standard

Bowel cancer patients lacking in emotional support three times more likely to have clinical depression

Macmillan Cancer Support and the University of Southampton have surveyed bowel cancer...

Older nurse
Nursing Standard

‘Perfect storm’ threatens UK’s nursing workforce supply

The RCN’s labour market review has highlighted a crisis in the UK’s nursing supply including an ageing workforce and concerns over the inflow of European nurses

oil rigs
Nursing Standard

University recruits career-changers from the oil and gas industry

Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen offers nursing opportunities to workers hit by the oil industry downturn

Burns board game
Nursing Standard

Board game teaches nurses how to care for burn injury patients

The Burns Game tests healthcare professionals with questions and scenarios about how to care...

Department of Health
Nursing Standard

Unions welcome plan for new nursing post in Department of Health

The Department of Health has said it will create its own nursing adviser post after...

Bullying behaviour
Nursing Standard

Nurses need coping strategies to deal with rudeness from colleagues

A study has shown that nurses can better cope with rude remarks from colleagues if they believe in their own ability to cope with difficult relationships

Change Day
Nursing Standard

Nurses among thousands of NHS staff making a pledge for Change Day

The national day of action for the NHS in England sees healthcare professionals come up with ideas to improve their practice.

Nursing Standard

Home care services could save NHS millions, says report

NHS providers could save around £120 million by increasing the use of clinical home care,...

Nursing Standard

‘Older people with dementia need tailored talking therapies’

Older people with dementia must be able to access tailored talking therapies to tackle...

Nursing Standard

NHS pay increase should be the same for all staff – NHS Employers

NHS Employers urges NHS Pay Review Body to reject variable salary increases

Transexual protest
Nursing Standard

Training poor for transgender care - RCN

80% of nurses have no training

New maternity graffiti boards
Nursing Standard

'Graffiti boards' and mystery shopper programmes used for patient feedback on maternity services

The King's Fund charity has investigated local methods in the NHS for gaining patient...

Lone working guidance
Nursing Standard

RCN publishes lone working guidance as almost half of community staff face abuse

The RCN's guidance gives tips for nurses on staying safe when working alone.

l-r Margaret Cooper, James Cooper and Kelly King
Nursing Standard

Off-duty nurse saves the life of a great-grandfather – then looks after him in hospital

A quick-thinking nurse used a defibrillator to save an older patient's life and then...

Nursing Standard

Nine specialist nurses caring for 26,000 patients with epilepsy in Wales, charity warns

Epilepsy Action Cymru said the number of epilepsy specialist nurses in Wales is inadequate,...

Nursing Standard

'Nursing students need more training on CQC compliance'

Independent consultant Jane Orr-Campbell said nursing students need more help to understand their role in CQC monitoring and inspections

Frimley park hospital
Nursing Standard

NHS trust offers rent-free accommodation for new nursing recruits

An NHS trust is meeting recruitment challenges by offering new nurse starters rent-free...
